Time For A Lecture

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| Small intermission! Enjoy! |

"HEY YOU!" Edge points to the camera, no, at you, the reader, with one of his, "I'M NOT FUCKING AROUND."  faces sending chills down someone spine.


"Because people are dying you heartless dipshit." Author-Chan lectures from a computer being held by Red.

"WHY AREN'T YOU HERE?! YOU KNOW I'M NOT GOOD AT BEING SYMPATHETIC!" Edge whines straightening his jacket flicking off a bug on his shoulder.

"Because I'm at home staying safe and being at lazy bastard I am!" She chirps sending him a playful wink.

"also, why 'm i carryin' ya'?" Red questions turning the screen to him, AC shrugging.

"I'm technically your boss you when I asked you to carry me you did because I can cut your paycheck." She states with a smile, Red rolling his eye lights.

"hey! we late for the party?" Sans calls out as he walks into the studio with a donut box in hand, followed by his brother and the other skeletons waving at the trio.

"Just in time! Where's [Y/N?]" AC asks trying to look as the boys scatter around the set sitting in the different chairs and scattered around the rug. "Hey, no shoes!"

"sorry." Stretch raised his arms playfully in defense as he brings up his leg to take off his sneakers tossing them behind him. "she's wanted to come but she only to lecture you about writing more so she's thinking of things to guilt-trip you with." AC sighs with disappointment laughing nervously.

"I'm trying okay! It's just the whole things really depressing and it's hard to be inspired."

"my entire existence is depressing yet i'm alive so you better get off your sorry ass and start writing." Dust scoffs grabbing the box for Sans and grab one covered in chocolate with sprinkles.

"First off, ouch. Second, I have been writing okay? I'm writing the next three chapters and the Q&A special!"

"that's been in the works for how long now?" Mutt states taking out his vape and blowing it at the screen. Red coughs and gags at the smell.

"dude, what is that?"

"durian." He answers whipping out his phone.

"Are we here to lecture me about procrastination or are we here to talk about a global pandemic?" AC groans at the group as Blue stands up and grabs the mic from Edge which whines, Black sitting next to the speakers winces.

"HELLO DEAR READER!" Blue yells into the mic, a mini earthquake taking over the building.

"I'm so lucky I'm not there." AC jokes as Black unplugs the mic from the speaker Blue ignorantly smiling at the camera.

"WE ARE HERE TODAY TO TALK ABOUT SOMETHING CALLED A "GLOBAL PANDEMIC" CALLED COVID-19!" Edge cocks his skull to the side in confusion as he turns to the screen taking the computer from his brother who shook his arms sighing with relief.

"I THOUGHT IT WAS CALLED COKEKID-19?" AC snickers at the skeleton who looks at her annoyed. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!" He demands embarrassed.

"I-It's Covid-19 Edge." She barely lets out holding in a laugh.

"RED TOLD ME IT WAS COKEKID!" She bursts out laughing as Red chuckles spinning his wrist as Stretch pats the brother on the back, Edge shrugging him off.

"can we just continue the show please?" He looks at his brother who nods looking back at the camera.

"AS SKELETONS, WE ARE FINE FROM ALL ILLNESSES HUMANS HAVE AND VIS VERSA. BUT WITH HUMANS OUTNUMBERING MONSTERS WE'VE DECIDED TO GIVE ALL SOME ADVICE ABOUT HOW TO AVOID THIS DISEASE! SANS, PAPYRUS?" Blue turns to the brothers handing the taller one with mic who smiles proudly leaping from his seat, Sans following suit only slower.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now