Time To Cook

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|What took them so long?|

"So here is his formula, diapers, bottles, my milk, a pump-"

"Wait, why did you give me a pump? I don't have milk."

"I'm not asking you to pump milk, I leave it here because it's part of the baby stuff. Besides you might need it som-"

"Jane, I don't think I'll need it."

"Why not?"

"Because I-"

"Babe, you ready?"

Why your baby parent friends are here and they somehow convinced you to watch their kid at your place you honestly don't know how. But here the are, with supplies in hand and a baby carried in Michael's chest.

"Almost!" Jane chirps. "Okay, now here are his toys. He loves the lobster and Mr. Monkey and will come running too them so please for the love of god don't lose them. Don't let him around any long piece of clothing or fabric because he loves pulling on them. And don't let him near anything sharp."

"Basically every normal baby dangers, got it." Michael hands you Peter who laughs at your sight making you chuckle as you hug him, his head cradled in the crook of your neck.

"Where you guys going anyway?" You ask the couple.

"Just around town. Jane's getting off maternity leave in a few months so we want to have as much baby free fun as possible!"

"Yeah! We plan to try this new mediterranean downtown, then go the pier for the spring festival. Then for the finale we're going to the winery just at the edge of town!"

"Oh! Mind getting me bottle?" You ask chuckling. Though, in all honesty you need some wine. The guys were amazing, just a handful from time to time and plus you miss the taste.

"We can try. Bottles are like, $100." Jane states.

"I can lend you some-" You start.

"No it's fine! You watching Peter is payment enough, for the bottle, we'll see." Jane smiles.

You three say your goodbyes before the head out. You sigh as you look at the baby in your arms. You're about to babysit a baby in a house with 15 guys who fight all the time.


You place Peter in his carrier and grad all his things heading upstairs into your room. It was a mess so you had to clean it before you left the house. All of a sudden your stomach started growling and you groan. You forgot to eat breakfast because you were excited about Peter coming over.

You take Peter out of his carrier before taking him to the living room to find Papyrus and Edge arguing.  Wait, how'd you guys not hear them the walls aren't that thick?






"It's past 8:00." You remind them bluntly.

"EXACTLY! WE SHOULD PREPARE LUNCH EARLY." Edge remarked crossing his arms smugly for some reason.

"Let's see." You play along putting down the bag and fixing your grasp on Peter so you have a free arm rubbing you chin looking deep in thought.

"How about," Your smile drops and you whip out a finger. "I don't care. I'm babysitting the whole day and I have to bring this baby everywhere I go." Edge rolls his eye lights as her stares at Peter.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now