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|You and Q investigate something while|
|arguing about the true meaning of love|


This chapter has mentions of domestic abuse and rape, but it's also poorly written and depicted. I didn't know anything about either at the time of writing this, so there's many inaccuracies and bad representation. You don't have to read this chapter if you don't want to. Basically Alex's BF fucking sucks and he's arrested for everything so you can go to the next chapter if you want.

"peaches are you serious?"

"Yes! That movie sucks!"

"its amazing!"

"It's cliché!" You argue to you holographic friend.

You stayed back at work finishing up some reports and helped clean up a bit because the janitor was out sick. Then out of the blue Q pops on your computer asking if you wanted a do a little movie night with him in your room. You asked what he had and he said he just had a bunch of rom-coms. All of them not really your taste.

"unless you wanna watch mettaton crap i just have this." You visually shudder. Any cliché movie is better then Mettatons, "Hearts for Muah!" Papyrus made you and Sans watch it once and you swore to never eat blackberries again.

"Finnneeee! What else you got?" Q smirked and began shuffling through some movies he had claimed he found in the dump. Before he was able to picked one, you two heard the doorknob to your boss' office clicked and Q quickly ended his call before you boss exits and looks at your surprised.

"[Y/N,] why did you stay late again? I told you not to do that anymore." You scratch the back of your head while laughing nervously.

"Uhhh, Ivan's sick and I have A LOT of free time on my hands to so I was just cleaning." Your boss sighs before closing his door before running a hand through his hair.

"I don't pay you a lot for all the work you do." You smile cockingly and chuckle.

"Can I get a raise then?" He smiles but shakes his head. "You know I can't. Oh, that's reminds me." He digs into his bag before taking out some papers and folders and walking over to you.

"Alex forgot these this morning. You know where she lives right? Can you drop these off by her place?" You take the folders, staring at them for a bit before shrugging and putting them in you satchel.

"Sure. It's in my way, I can stop by." He smiled at you before the both of you walk into the elevator. Pressing the Lobby button, the doors closes and you two are stuck in silence.

"By the way, did you hear someone?" You turn to him confused. "I heard a man in a deep voice talking in the workspace, it sounded real." You blush before looking down.

"Uhhhhh, n-nope! I heard nothin'!" He looks at you confused but shrugs it off. "I'm probably just hearing things.

Let's hope he thinks that next time.


"pretty in pink?"

"The "Rich kids and dicks!" Cliché."

'the philadelphia line?"

"Rich spoiled woman doesn't know what she wants!" Cliché."

"pretty woman?!"

"Cinderella version."

"what's wrong with cinderella?"

"Almost every movie I've seen has been a twist on cinderella! A girl's dad dies leaving her with three horrible woman and hides her identity so some famous guy and they fall in love after finding a shoes that fits her!" You point out. You had to admit, they weren't bad just annoying.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now