Time For A Case Of The Thunder Chicken

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|Someone's afraid of Thor's Power|

Two weeks into the injury
Which is also one week with the guys

Everything was okay, to say the least. Stretch still ignored you which you were totally fine with. Blue always helped you with things you had a hard time doing. Papyrus was a work. (He was the co-owner of this gym he opened with Undyne.) Red just flirted with you whenever you two were in the same room, and Sans would just be you chill pill when you Stretch got to you or you had a rough time at work.

Your thoughts were broken by a knock on your bedroom.

"Come in!"

It was Sunday, and you just chilled in your room working on your desk. Your door opened to reveal Red with a white plastic basket full of clothes. He smirked.

"you don't need to show off sweetheart. you look sexy ev'ryday." You roll your eyes.

You were wearing a white tank top with black puma shorts and fluffy gray knee w high socks. It was hot in the house, so it felt appropriate. You look at Red to see him wearing his normal white long sleeve sweater and his normal jacket with black sweatpants.

"like what you see?" He said wiggling his bone-brows. You internally cringe.

"Aren't you hot in that?" Do skeletons even sweat?

"i'm hot in anything." You snicker.

"What do you want dude?" You ask, leaning one arm on the back of the chair.

"paps and blue say it's laundry day."

"And you want mine?"

"you could give me more-"

"Nopppppppe, I'm good!" You say turning back to your work tablet. Red walks over, peering over your shoulder.

"what's this?" He asks, looking at the girl on your screen.

"We're working on a new game that we're gonna reveal at Vid-Con next year. I'm working on her concept." You saw spinning her around.

"You knocked this time." You see looking at him from the corner of your eye.

"i learned my lesson last time." He shrugged. He walked up to your bathroom only to be stopped by you door slamming open.

"MISS [Y/N,] HAVE YOU SEEN-RED THERE YOU ARE!" Blue said with a smile, somehow slightly posing heroically.

"Blue... What did I tell you?" You ask crossing your arms. He laughed nervously, and fiddled with his thumbs looking down.

"NO COMing Into Your Room Without Asking..."


"Not Too Slam The Doors Anymore. Sorry..." He was so adorable when he was embarrassed.

"I forgive you little dude. Now what do you want with Red." His expression changes almost instantaneously.


"what? i nev'r agreed ta that." You hear Red complain behind you.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now