Time For New Roommates

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|You make a sales pitch|

"What do you want me to do, write a fucking apology letter to the department saying, "Sorry I did your job?"" You snark at your police friend tiredly.

You had just been dismissed from the city hospital, the Police paying for everything. (Thank god.) But not totally out of the woods seeing as you were sitting your ass in a small metal chair in the middle of one of the many interrogation rooms throughout the precinct.

Great start to your day.

"You didn't do our jobs! You ran into a burning building, unprotected! You know how lucky you are right now that the departments aren't suing your ass for disobeying orders!?" The light-hair man lectured you frustrated.

"I thought I was a normal civilian?" You smirk sarcastically.

"Don't be a smartass [Y/N!]" He yells at you as you cross your arms nonchalantly. "You had to have SURGERY!!! Your leg was fractured in multiple places, bent fucking backward, and your leg almost fucking popped!"

"Legs don't pop."

"You know what I mean! Oh god, the swelling look so goddamn gross." He shudders visibly.

"I'm surprised you're not used to it yet." You joke chuckling.

"That's something I never want to get used to, don't you get it?!" He freaks out on you, taking a seat in the chair across. You sigh sitting up straight putting your hands together on the table.

"Look, I'm sorry." He perks up you confused. "You know how I am, I just did it. You didn't do anything to save those two and I just got angry."

"Stressed out again?" He asks you sympathetically, causing you to hand him a small smile. "You should use your vacation days more often, you have like what, three months worth?"

"I'm a workaholic! It's the only thing going for me right now." You joke, the two of you laughing.

"All seriousness, take a break. You've been through so much the past few years. Your sister being deployed, the upcoming convention, what happened to Sarah - "

"Fitzgerald." The officer tenses up turning to the door to find his Captain, adjusting his purple tie and suspenders leaning on the frame of the door. The old man clicks his tongue, pointing his head to a dark corner. Jeremy nods, getting up from his chair and walking in the pointed direction as the Captain pulls the chair taking a seat, folding his arms, staring you down.

"[Y/N.]" He says calmly.

"Afton." You replay, copying his cold tone.

You two have an indirect staring contest, silence enveloping the room like a tidal wave while Jeremy just stands in the corner awkwardly. You had a weird relationship with the police department of the city, more-so your family then you personally.

Your sister, Jackie, used to work here as an operator during her high school and college years before she joined the military. Afton was a friend of your father in college which is how she got the job in the first place. He was a nice guy, good to your family, he's like an uncle to you. But at the same time, you can see him becoming some kind of murderer if pushed far enough.

Yet here he is, cutting the tension in the room like butter as he breaks out in euphoria.

"Goddamn, you haven't changed a bit." You roll your eyes giggling, shifting in your chair smiling. Afton slowly calms his laughter, taking off his glasses rubbing the bridge of his nose exhausted.

"I know you meant well [Y/N - ]" He sighs.

"But...?" You question knowing there's gonna be one.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now