Time To See What He Thinks

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| Listen to his side |

| Red |

This is from after the two of you went shopping where Stretch is and ass.

"stay away from blue and we won't have a problem."

Red watched as Stretch threatens you, eye lights gone. He didn't know what to do, if he interfered he'd be on Stretch's bad side and he didn't want times to end out like last time went he pulled a prank on Blue.

And then your eyes turn orange, which means you were annoyed.

"Fuck you." You answered flatly.

You snatch your crutches away from him in a snap, and begin to grab grocery bags and turn back to him and Red.

"How do you guys like your meat?"

They stare at you dumbfounded, Stretch's eye no longer glowing. Red's the first to speak up.

"w-what?" He stutters.

"How do you guys like your beef cooked? I'm making burgers."

"do you hear what i just said?" Stretch asked, sounding weirded out. You roll your eyes.

"I did, and I can't keep the promise." He stares at you longer. You roll your eyes again.

"Blue won't leave me alone, which means if I do he'll be hurt and I won't let that happen. Plus, I think he's cool and Sans told me you don't like a bunch of people and they I'm cool with that but I'm telling you this."

Red couldn't believe it. Someone wasn't scared of Stretch. Much more, standing up to him holding their ground. He was honestly, scared of you in a good way if that's even possible.

"I have no intentions to hurt Blue in any way and you can't change that. Now, how do you like yo-"

"kid, i ain't taking that as an answer." You look at Stretch only to have him corner you.

"either you leave him alone or else-"

That's it.

Red stood in front of you, flicking his wrist which causes Stretch's soul to turn blue and threw him back landing on the lawn. Red released him and calmed down a bit but was still pissed.

"thats 'nough man." Stretch said nothing, just stared.

'what am i doing?'

"she's done nothin' you ya'. your livin' in her house, show her respect."

'i should despise her.'

"wow, you have feelings."

'no i don't!'

"you know vanilla gonna be mad when he finds out." What'd he mean by that? He was the one who-


He didn't mean, "that?" Did he?

He couldn't have, it's for the weak!

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now