Time For Presents and Promises

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|Christmas is here and some of your friends|
|need some cheer|


You jump at Blue's voice as you droopily wake up, rubbing your eyes only for them to sting!

"Aw shit, that hurts!" Blue hands you a towel and you quickly wipe your hands and face. You rush to the sink and wash your face.

"WERE YOU UP ALL NIGHT MAKING COOKIES?" You dry your face and turn to Blue and the kitchen table and sigh.

Christmas was in a few days and you guys invited a LOT of people. So making lots of cookies made sense. Your hands were covered in eggs because you were kneading dough.

"Yeah. What'ca want for breakfast?" You head to the fridge opening the door only for it to close and Blue wagging his finger in front of you.

"HUMAN, YOU ARE GOING TO SLEEP!" Blue grabs your hand and begins dragging you upstairs.

"Wha-Blue, I'm fine!"

"I SHALL'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! YOU ARE GOING TO SLEEP!" He opens your door and swings you on your bed.

"HUMAN, YOU MUST RELAX! EVERYTHING CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT YOUR HELP FOR A LITTLE!" You open your mouth to protest but he shuts the door on your and you sigh. You fall on your bed closing your eyes.

You didn't like being alone when you were stressed. So much was going on here.

There was the party, you needed food, to decorate, you guys haven't even set up your tree. Then at work, you needed to set up for a meeting coming up just after New Years, then-

There's Red.

You hug a pillow tightly.

This been two months. Two whole fucking months since you two fought. You couldn't face him. He probably hated you, why did you say that?

What if he did love you?

You didn't love him like that, but you wanted to talk about it-

But he avoided you.

You hated this.

You two were good friends, why did this have to happen?!


You fell asleep.

You were to tired to think of this right now.


You wake you yawning as you sit up stretching. You look at your clock wide eyed and practically break down your door heading downstairs.

"I NEED TO-Whoa...." You look around the living room and peek in the kitchen.

Edge, Black, Mutt, Axe, Dust, and Red were setting up the tree and wrapping gifts. Blue, Crooks, Stretch, Papyrus and Sans were fixing up and decorating cookies.

"FINALLY, YOU'RE AWAKE! ITS 2:00 PM!" You roll your eyes.

"No shit Edge." You try to look at what he's wrapping but he hides it with his arms.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now