Time To Be "Normal"

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|You and Dust go to town! Literally. But|
|somethings not right...|

Dust liked the inside.

He liked staying in his room, staring at the ceiling, bouncing a ball across the wall, doing absolutely nothing. He loved silence, he loved his jacket, his comfort zone.

Until he met you.

Back before, them, the only way you got him to go outside is when he was hungry, wanted ketchup, wanted Grillbys or Papyrus dragging his non-existent bony ass in the snow.

When his you fell down, you were young, maybe ten years younger then you today. You lived with him and Paps and he and you grew inseparable. When you were gonna go out, he'd go with you even if he was exhausted.

And he didn't regret any of it.

You two rarely fought and with just a look the two of you have each other you knew exactly what you wanted, whether innocent or, inmate.

Now it wasn't as easy.

Vanilla's you and him would talk, but he was so distant he wasn't even acknowledged when he came into the room. But you did try your best to have something in common.

None worked.



You came into the house slamming the front door opening, Dust not responsive but some of the others jumped.


"you could not yell that any louder." Red replied sarcastically not looking up from his phone.

Daddy's House was this exclusive restaurant in the city who, from your perspective, had the best food in the area. They served high end food but also more commonly known ones that were apparently delicious.

"Look who's talking." You tell him winking. He thinks about your response before turning bright red and putting his hood on.

"Okay, seriously. Who wants to go with me?!" You chirp asking everyone.

"sorry kid, got plans." Sans said gesturing to the shed, taking a bite of his sandwich. You look around the room for everyone either declining or giving some excuse Dust barely listened to.

"Seriously?" You ask defeated, eyes blue. They mutter out yes' and nods and you groan.

Dust looked at you for a minute. You were sad, you were almost never sad. You must've really wanted to go with someone.

"can i take you up on that offer?" You look up at him with purple eyes s he slumps in his chair staring at you.

"R-Really?" He nods.

"ya' wanna go out in public?" Red asked in surprise. He nodded.

"Hell yes! Dust, you're the best! The food there is amazing!"

"not as amazing as grillbys?" He asks with a smirk. You roll your eyes, which are green.

"Nah! No one could ever replace my number one favorite place to eat." You wink at him and he chuckles.

This might be fun.


"Aaahhh! Ms. [L/N] correct? Your table is - is that your plus one?" The waiter asks, pointing to Dust. You had cleaned up nice. Nice white sweater and black jeans, Dust, just wore his hoodie and sweatpants.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now