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Hey guys! What's up, how you doing, how's life?

For me to answer those, the Sky, shitty, and moderately okay and bad.

Long story short, I'm sick.

I know none of you give a crap, but I thank each and every one of you who have read and voted and Skeletons Hope and I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

I mean that

I'm not totally a dick.

Anyway, Magicians will be updated in maybe a month or two, I'm very sorry for those who wanted more even if that's every little, and this story is the same thing. More messed up timeline, NOOOOOOOO!

I'm disappointed in myself.

If it makes any of you feel better, the next few chapters will include after the next one is-

• Getting locked in the attic with Mutt the whole day.

• Q helping you find out if Alex's boyfriend is a horrible person (I've been watching this show called 9-1-1 -It's AMmzing, {I'm sorry} watch it!-if you don't know what it is, there's this character called Maddie, that's all I'm gonna say)

• Helping Dust get some fresh air

• Having lunch with Sans and having him vent because ya' a good person

• Alex sets you up on a date as a thank you and she won't take no for an answer!

Do I have to explain this one?

• Depending on the timeline and holidays, Stretch does some venting and expl'in ta' Do!

Then later that day, everyone started acting like dicks and the real story begins!

I hope you guys are hyped! I have a lot of work to do! And if it makes you feel better once again, I am doing a colab with a dear friend of mine, xNightingale_girlx! I hope you all are excited! I know I am! In the meantime, take care, don't end up like me and quoting Thomas Sanders, (I love him and Sander Sides I cant believe I didn't watch it sooner!) take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals!

Was that cheesy, tell me if it was so I can delete it.

Have a good day/night!

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now