Time To See Your Soul Mate!

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|Its Valentines Day! And your best friend is|
|acting strange? Can you figure out why?|


You really should get rid of your alarm clock.

You slam your hand on it and roll out of your bed. You want to sleep in longer but it had to be a Tuesday. No one like Tuesday's why are they a thing?

You groan and sit up grabbing your phone turning it on. You check your notifications and your eyes widen.



You barely make it through the front door as you carrying boxes of cupcakes that you got as quickly as you can in less then an hour. Now that you think about it, you should've got to work first then stop home but you had to get these of the table ASAP.

"Is anyone awake?!" You yell out, you arms giving out soon. Before you know it half of you stack is levitating helping you see Sans with his normal smile.

"what's with all the cupcakes?" You deadpan as you hurry to the dining table placing your share of boxes as Sans puts his.

"Dude, how do you not know what today is?" You hear him open the refrigerator looking through it. You take out a piece of paper and a pen from your jacket and begin writing.

"i know what today is, it's just i though you didn't like it." You dramatically gasp.

"How dare you!? I love Valentines/Soulmate Day even if I am single." You smirk.

Soulmate day was Valentine's Day for Monsters. The whole day, everyone has a red string on their finger (or wherever, its on different spots for people) that connected them to their soulmate or mates. Toriel told you it was rare for someone to have more then one along with Alphys telling you, there's like a 0.000000000001% chance anyone can have it. You however-

Didn't have a string.

Alphys and Toriel told you this was even more rare then having more soulmates. At first you were sad, never having someone destined to be with you but you've grown past it. Who needs to date? You had people you loved you already-

You think.

"What 'bout you? Are you going to watch "Die Hard" in your room eating chocolate hearts like every year?" You ask playfully.

"nah, i'm gonna be more sad this ye-" He closes the door holding a bottle of ketchup looking at you, dumbfounded. You sit there waiting for him to continue his sentence.

"Yeah, you speak with words dude. What's wrong? There something in me?" You stand up looking at your choice of clothing. You had a red shirt, a brown jacket, jeans and dark red Converse. Was something wrong with what your wearing?

"n-no, you look nice. i mean you look nice everyday, did that sound weird?" You snicker.

"Nah, anyway you were saying?" You say placing the paper on one of the boxes, hearing a door slam shut.

Edge was awake.

"WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS BLASTED HOLIDAY?!" Sans turns white and grabs your wrist teleporting into the garage.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now