Incudes Bloopers, Adorable Headcannons and an amazing suprise at the end!

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|This is no ordinary chapter my friends. This|
|is a special chapter! Thank you all so so|
|much for this, and reading my story even|
|tho it may or may not be horrible. This is a|
|special chapter! Its more or less a collab|
|xNightingale_girlx. All your favorite scenes for|
|the story are here as if it was a tv show with|
|fun, swearing, and|
|possible drinking with Red!|

|"what? when does that happen?"|

| Author-Chan shoves Red out of the way, |
| before smiling at the camera. |

|Find out here!|

|Along with a special surprise at the end!|



[Time to Go Shopping]

|This is the time Stretch took your crutches.|

|This scene was written by a dear friend of|
|xNightingale_girlx (Which I edited so i|
|doesn't count as copyright) I love you and|
|thank you|
|much for|
|putting up with me!|

"wonderful evening it is, isn't it?" He says, spinning the-


"aw fuck!" Stretch yelped as he rubbed his skull which he'd hit with the supposedly plastic crutches. Red began breaking down in laughter as Author-Chan groans.

"Cut!" The bell rings and AC walks up the Stretch checking his wound. [Y/N] follows touching his tenderly and Stretch hissed in pain.

"Who the hell changed the plastic to metal!?" AC looked around the room, their eyes landing on Red who was looking away whistling.

"Dude! What the fuck?! This is like the 40th you've messed up a scene! Why haven't I fired you!?" Author-Chan groans. Red wraps his arm around her pulling off a smirk.

"'cause ya' love me~" Author-Chan punches his stomach and Red groans in pain.

"In your dreams." Author-Chan sighs.

"Someone get Stretch to the infirmary ASAP!" Author-Chan turns to Red who was holding his make-believe stomach and points at him.

"And you-!" Author-Chan pretends to think before snapping their fingers.

"I'm cutting your paycheck this month." Red stares at them."

"what the fuck?! ya' can't do that! that's like illegal or somethin'!" Author-Chan shrugs.

"Edge is still making money for the two of you so your fine. The months almost done anyway. You do not wanna get paid at all?" Red scoffs.

"n-no." Author-Chan smiles.

"Fine, I won't do that..." They look at Red mischievous who's sweating bullets.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now