Chapter 1

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You're walking outside. Starbucks coffee in one hand, your dog's handle in the other. Sighing you try to navigate where you are going by hearing and, hopefully, by remembering the area. The thing is, you have a gift. One that heals someone, even on the verge of death. Physical wounds are easy to fix, the mental ones are a bit harder, are a challenge but even those can be done when taken enough time. Downside to it all is, that you turn blind for a period of time. You never know for how long, it all depends on how much energy you had to put into healing the person or animal.

Two days ago a woman appeared on your doorstep, holding a toddler. He was deadly pale, eyes red. No one could help them, the mother told you. You were her last hope. So you obliged and helped the little guy out. It took a lot of energy and a lot of focus but he was back to health, leaving you blind. Thing is, you don't regret it

Deep in thought you forget to focus on where you are going. Your dog Hope not really that much of a help because you can't order it to bring you home if she doesn't know the area. And you have no clue where you are.


Hope growls warningly just a moment before someone stumbles onto you. By reflex you catch the person, feeling a metal arm. A prosthetic. You feel something is off when the person doesn't move away, but almost goes slack in your arms.

"Where are you hurt?" you ask, hoping they're still conscious. A low voice growls something incoherent. So it's a guy. Okay.

"I'm blind at the moment so you have to tell me, or put my hand over the wound. I can help you." Another grumble, but you feel how your hand is put over his stomach. You feel blood gushing out of a wound. "Were you shot?" No answer, just a groan. "At least try to tell me if the bullet is still in there. I need to know."

"Yes." The voice sounds deep and low, laced with pain. "Okay."

Trying to concentrate you start to heal him, careful to find the spot where the bullet is and pushing it out with your abilities. It takes a while, but you feel the guy getting better, going less slack in your arms. You breath heavily, fearing you might faint if the wound isn't healed soon.

You're abilities stay available but it exhausts you more if you haven't 'recharged' enough. Like now.

"Thank you." the guys says when he is fully healed.
You nod, swaying a bit, Hope presses against your leg in comfort.
"Are you okay?"
"I will be, eventually," you answer.
"Where do you live, at least let me escort you home. It's the least I can do."

You tell him your address and asks if he would be against you holding his arm so he can lead you.
It's then that he realises you are really blind, not being able to see anything.

You take his arm and he walks one step in front of you, that way you can easily follow him. It takes a good half hour before he stops. "Do you have your keys?" he asks. You nod and hand him the bundle of keys. "I always try them all out until I find the right one. It's the key with a bit of blue on it." There is some fumbling before the door clicks open. Hope leads you in.

"You are welcome to come in if you have some questions. I can offer you coffee or tea if you'd like." you say while freeing Hope of her harness

Silence. Then footsteps, the front door closing and you feel the presence of the guy. "You can sit down where you want, just tell me where so I don't go and sit down a mile from you."

A grin, the scraping of a chair and the creaking of it when the guy sits down. "Kitchen table, right side." You nod.

"Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee please." You start up the machine and wait a bit until there is enough coffee made for a cup.

A few minutes later you put the cup on the table, together with sugar and cream before sitting down opposite him.

"What do you want to know?" You ask him.
"How did you do that?"
"How do you breath automatically? How does your brain work? All questions without answers. It's the same for my gift. I have no clue how, but it comes as easy as breathing."

A little hum followed by silence.

The cup moves, you hear him swallowing and the cup being placed on the table. You are hyper-aware of everything.

"How long have you been like this?"
"Like what?"

You smile a bit before answering. "It's a side effect of my gift. I turn blind based on how much I need to heal someone. How much energy it takes. If it's something small I can still see, but it feels a bit off. I healed someone two days ago and it ended up making me blind. Now that I healed you I think it's going to take a bit longer for me to be able to see again. But Hope is a great help."

He is silent for a while, you are afraid he is affected by it all.
"Is there a way I can help?" Softness evident in his voice. Maybe guilt too.|
"Nah, I'm fine. This happened a lot before. It's okay." The conversation turns more lighthearted after that. Talking about small things. Nothing to personal.

After a while he tells me he has to leave, that the team must be worried of him. Team?
You walk with him to the door, opening it for him.
"Can I know your name?" he asks.
"Only if I can know yours too."

You tell your name to him, to the stranger you have been talking to for a long while.

"Bucky, my name's Bucky." You hear him leave before you can say anything.

Bucky? Team? Was this THE James Bucky Barnes you just saved and talked too?
The prosthetic arm seems right, you remember him from the television. He has a metal arm. And team. That has to be the Avengers.

Did you, for real, just saved an Avenger without knowing it?!

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