Star ; 5

65 7 2

- Will; Interesting interview this morning
Me; Don't
- Chris; You shouldn't lie out your own son and wife
- Mark; I lost it when Dan said 'Crystal' and that she is a fan
- Will; Lala really hates Bastille 😂
- Mark; You got a death wish mate. It's LILA.
- Will; Lila is lala
Me; Lala is my fucking wife.
Me; Fucking hell Chris! You lied about your boys since your first was born a few years back now!
- Chris; How did I lie? You know we decided not to tell the fandom
- Kyle; What radio interview?
- Beau; Radio 1
- Chris; Why are you awake? It's got to be in the middle of the night where you are?!?!
- Beau; Because Dick messaged me to listen to the interview
- Dick; Why didn't you tell us that fans are showing up on your doorstep? It's in the contract that you have to tell us about these things. It's dangerous.
- Dan P; What the fuck is going on boys?
Me; Someone else care to explain?
- Paul; Dan's got fans turning up on his doorstep
- Tom; It could be worse

I look away from the group chat for a moment. I have no idea how some of the crew members have got added into this group chat. At the start of the chat it was only band plus Mark. Now it's nearly the entire crew, however majority of them have their notifications turned off and choose to ignore it.

However this lot doesn't. It's no shit that we're a bunch of guys who live for the drama because...this is about as exciting we can get. Fans being weirdos shouldn't be exciting but...Bastille make it exciting. We have nothing better to do. Literally.

I close the group chat and open the chat between me and Lila:

- Lila; I 💔 you
- Lila; Your the best test
- Lila; Hallo

What the actual fuck? I mean...she's pregnant. Lila would never drink in a million years, our baby means everything to us. Even if he or she was a surprise.

Me; Lila?
- Lila; Not Liela
Me; Who is this?
- Lila; Gray 🙈🐯🤡🤠💔🚗🎤🥁🍰🌈🐾

Thankfully I don't have to stop eating my lunch and leave. I was worried for a moment something bad happened to Lila.

Me; Why are you not at school?
- Gray; Me 🤢🤮

With that I phone Lila's phone up. Gray answers it more or less straight away, "dad?" He curiously whispers. "Hey mate..." I smile. I be honest Gray is the only person who supports me in the entire world. Lila does but she hates Bastille, she never used too...I guess Bastille means me going away for long amounts of time. If I was her I'd hate it too.

"I threw up!" He sounds joyous. Like really joyous. "" I look down at my lunch totally not phased. "There was bits of carrots and mushy stuff. It felt like fire!" Okay now I'm put off.

"Where's...where's mummy?" I whisper because I don't want to look like a weird. I mean, some people can probably guess by my age I'm a dad to a kid, but other people cringe. They're probably the childless type. "Grayson! Who are you talking to?!" With that it sounds like Lila snatches the phone out of his hand.

"Hello?" She wearily says. " everything okay?" Of course I'm concerned, something is definitely up. "I'm at the hospital." I feel my eyes naturally widen in shock. Why is she at the hospital? "Oh my god, is Gray okay?" I feel myself get slightly panicky. "It's not Gray, or me...there's something wrong with the baby." Without hesitation I stand up. "What's wrong?" For the first time ever I leave the tray on the table instead of putting it in the bin, I feel guilty but this is an emergency.

"I don't know...just hurry" Lila whispers as I hear Gray curiously asking her a question. We say both say a very sloppy 'I love you' before I hang up and push myself into the glass door to open it quicker.

God I hope everything is okay.

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