Star ; 14

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"Give me one of them!" I laugh as Lila literally hides the Christmas tree chocolates behind her back. "No! You know you have to wait until Christmas is over to start picking them off of the tree!" I shake my head. That's not entirely fair.

"Please..." I almost beg as Lila rolls her eyes and chucks me one. "But I owe Gray one." I mean...Lila is a very compassionate person. "I won't tell him that I had one already." lol then looks at me totally butt hurt. "Everyone in this family is going to be treated equally. Even if it fucking kills me." My melodramatic queen.

"Okay...okay..." I laugh. As I throw the chocolate back at her. "I was thinking once...Christmas is over me and you...can go on holiday or something. Just us..." a holiday in January...I mean...that's unheard of. "What about-" she cuts me off. "I was talking to your mum and dad and they said they'll have him..." I make a long 'oh' noise as I help her stick the decorations onto the fake Christmas tree. We used to get real ones...but Gray had a break down the other year and cried for literal hours when he found out that Christmas trees slowly die.

"Why?" I know I shouldn't question her...but I'm intrigued. We've never had a holiday away from our son. "Me and you...we haven't...been close since Lena." We've been closer than sushi during the day, however at night...that romantic side has gone completely. "I think we need more time." But Lila cracks a sad smile before kneeling on the floor. "Babe." I kneel on the floor opposite her.

"Everything has changed. I know the change is for the better but I miss the way we was...before everything. You know?" She really does not like change. "I know..." my voice trails off. I'm finding it hard to say the right words.

"I need to get something off of my chest. And it's nothing bad or anything..." oh god. It's gonna be a divorce or something. "I've been going to therapy...and the other week I've noticed that it's working." Lila sympathetically smiles looking pleased of herself through her glistening tears. "It's...really working. She makes me talk about my feelings and I know it sounds stupid...but she's helped me find solace about Lena. Our girl is pain free, sure she isn't here but me and you...we're still her mom and dad." Before Lila can say anything else my phone vibrates manically. Good old Android.

"Seriously?" I nod my head. "Seriously..." I open the message so we both can see and see it's from Woody. It must be urgent if he is texting me for no reason whatsoever.

Chris; I don't know how but I think fans have been stalking me.
Me; Welcome to hell

With that Lila slaps me on the arm as I laugh. "Woody didn't fucking believe us." No one really did. Lila then takes my phone off me and calls him up, putting it on speaker phone as I feel myself wanting to hit my head against the wall.

"Mate! boys are everywhere on Instagram. Everyone is either reposting or telling people to take them down." Lila looks at me concerned. "Have you called the police?" She asks. "You alright, Lila? I mean Chrissy tried but they said because the fans went away they can do fuck all basically." Sounds like the police. Typical really.

"And you're calling us up because?" Once again she angrily hits me on the arm. "I overheard one of the girls say that one of your mates who have visited you lot left a 'location' in their Instagram post or whatever." That's when me and Lila literally sigh at the exact same time.

"At least they can't ring the doorbell or enter the property..." Lila whispers looking sad. Just when our lives were getting back on track. "This is getting out of hand, they photographed us eating McDonald's and then criticised about what we eat. I fucking went mental. You should create a twitter account and just...look at the stuff they're saying." Lila looks at me and sternly shakes her head.

"Mate if only we could..." I mean there's nothing stopping us. We just just don't want in on social media anymore. "Anyway, we and the wife wanted to come up and see you all...but we'll stay put now." Lila rests her head on my shoulder. "Cheers man. Stay safe yeah, just give them what they want...and then tell them to back off?" They're teenage girls for fuck sakes. "Will do. Cheers. See you Lila!" Woody says as Lila says bye. We then hang up at the same time.

"Let's just...continue the day as if we never found out that news? I's Christmas Dan. Our favourite time of the year!" I nod my head and falsely smile. "That's your therapists name?" With that Lila shakes her head. "I've booked you a appointment anyway. Go there...and talk. It helps."

Of course she has.

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