Star ; 25

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After the hell of a morning that I've had I go back to the motel...only to overhear Tom and Lila's dad fighting. "They're still just kids Jim! You and your wife needs to back off" Tom has a southern twang...I don't think he was born here, he doesn't seem to fit in like a local either. "Jesus Christ Tom, you're just a silly old coop! Don't tell me what I should do and not do when your daughter decides to stick a needle in her arm to escape you! Where's your other kids? Why didn't they come back...huh?" That's fucking sick blaming that shit on Tom.

I build myself up as I prepare to open up the office door. But I suddenly stop when it goes dead quiet, "you're going to send your son-in-law six feet under. You're getting his wife to turn on him...that boy is fragile." I close my eyes and rub my head. I don't need to hear that. The truth. I can't...

"I'm not turning is wife against him. He's a bad husband, my daughter went through pain and...he's self centred by the sound of things. Look how fast they both moved on...that isn't healthy." It's all my fault. I know it is.

"The boy is a fucking mess Jim. Whatever tricks you got up your fancy sleeve...just leave it out. Please. I'll do anything...he is a suffering father." With that I hear a scoff as the door opens. I quickly hide behind the vending machine with my back up against the moist brick can it be moist? It hasn't rained since we've been here?

I swear this place is going to be my cause of death.

"If you will do anything for my daughters husband...tell him to go home. File for a divorce. And never come back. Both of them need space, it isn't healthy that they depend on each other like a life line. It's better to break them up now...before they fucking be the death of one another." I take a deep breath in and out as I feel tears stupidly fall down my face.

After Jim's car pulls away I hear a heavy sigh. "And what this whole community has to put up with." My eyes remain shut, even though I'm surprised. I guess I have a funny way of showing things. "You're always watching, aren't you?" I remember the cracks of the blinds in Tom's office last night. "I'm just keeping my eye out for the good folk." I slightly shake my head as I open my eyes to see him stand in front of me. One arm leans against the vending machine, the other is crossed.

"I...I don't want to get a divorce." I admit as Tom cracks a yellow smile. "Don't then. No one can physically make you sign those things, plus they take months...maybe even years when kids and finance is involved." I nod my head as he puts me on my shoulder.

"You thankful, you know? I just told Jim that you aren't at the motel, so that bonding session you two was going to have is cancelled." Even though I don't feel like it, I genuinely smile. Tom is the only sane person...even my son choose a superhero over his own fucking father.

"Thank you." I whisper as I cross both of my arms feeling that empty void again. "I'm just joking boy..." Tom's voice trails off as his warm smile turns into a cold look of concern. "Are you okay?" Instead of fucking lying or hiding behind a false smile. I shake my head vigorously. With that he opens his arms as I fall into them and hug this weird old guy.

I just...hug him.

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