Star ; 11

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you..." both me and Lila horribly sing as Gray jumps up and down in his seat excitedly looking over his huge chocolate cream cake. I don't know how we're gonna eat this all. For the first time ever Gray isn't seeing the rest of the family, it's just a birthday between us three. But so far it's been nice, because of yesterday the school saw how stressed and upset he was they told him to have the rest of the week off. Today we went to a safari park...and it was really lovely.

I really like today.

"You look like monkey..." Lila laughs as I stop singing the old traditional version. "Andddd you smell like poo." Entertained by his mum's rendition of Happy Birthday Gray laughs.

"Apparently you can't blow out these one can! Unless you have a super-super-strong breath." I catch eye contact with Lila as she smiles and then winks at me. Obviously she's lying about the candles. "You ready..." I ask Gray as he nods his head. "Three...two..." before Lila can say one I get the camera ready. We're not going to take pictures on our phones anymore...everything by camera's. To be honest that is the way it should be anyway.

"One!" We both say at the same time as Gray blows the five candles out in one puff. "Oh my gosh! You're so strong!" With that Gray looks very pleased with himself. "Cake now, yeah?" Fucking me. "Yeah...cake." Lila says confusedly.

As she goes to cut the first piece for the birthday boy, I watch at the corner of my eye Gray obviously mentally saying 'fuck it' and bites into the cake with his teeth. "Ay!" I laugh pushing in backwards away from the cake of his dreams. "Way to go Grayson!" Lila laughs looking at the messed up bite. "This is definitely your slice now." She points to it with the knife. "Noooo!" Gray looks at me and does the most evilest of all laughs for no actual reason whatsoever. I love my son. "Weirdo." I laugh feeling the need to stick my tongue out at him, so I do so.

"How much cream do you want baby?" Lila asks after going to the fridge to get out the fresh cream. "Loads!" Lila shrugs. "Okay...since your a little man now." Lila encourages Gray so much. I swear he is learning more life lessons he is with her than me. I'm just the sit back and relax type of dad. "Dad can have loads too!" I look at Gray startled that he actually remembered me over his beloved food. Thank god he doesn't have my metabolism. "I'll have little bit." I smile as he literally growls. "He have loads. My birthday. Ha." Why waste time, say lot word when few word do trick? Just knowing that my boy is gonna go to university one

"He'll have a bit more than usual. It's your birthday after all." With that I must look at Lila the way I feel, internally freaking out. I mean I like food, loads of food. But I have a shit metabolism and I don't want to go to the gym. It's bad enough with me showering and shaving.

Lila then shakes her head slightly when Gray isn't watching her. With that I smile. I have a issue with my weight. I don't want Gray to ever find out about that. He's lucky that he has his mother's genes...he can eat for Britain and never gain any weight. Jealous.

"So what film are we going to put on tonight?" I curiously as Lila gives Gray his bowel. Gray more or less takes a spoonful right away. Lila then slides mine across the kitchen countertop and sliced her own piece. "Aliens!" There are some things that we allow him to watch...which might not technically be legal. Gray doesn't get scared nor does he have nightmares. He probably is gonna grow up to be a sociopath but...he is a polite and happy kid. "Again?" I laugh as he nods his head. "Best film ever!" Lila shakes her head as I laugh.

"The best film ever is probably wait Fantasia!" What the fuck is a Fantasia. "Ship and the ice thing?" Lila nods her head. "That makes me so upset. Hate it." He is also brutally honest. "You hate everything." Lila kisses him on the cheek as he smiles getting chocolate everywhere around his mouth. "Not Aliens!" He got that from me. Lila is probably the only person who still gets scared and jumpy in Aliens. No one else does. The horror is so outdated now.

"Yeah mum. Not Aliens." With that Lila shakes her head. "I can't keep up with what you like! One day you're watching Fireman Sam and the next you're watching Drive." I said I'm sorry like a dozen times. It's not my fault Gray has wicked taste in films. "I like both." He laughs again taking a bigger mouthful. I shake my head looking at how he closes his eyes and savours the taste. "Weird child, you are." With that I toss his hair, completely agreeing with me by nodding his head.

Least he is aware. Fuck he is so like me...

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