Chapter V

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Y/N's Pov

It's been 2 hours of walking and we still haven't arrived at the place they call Polis, all the way walking I had eyes staring at me like I'm some freak or danger.

Their Commander is in the front riding her horse with some others riding by her side too, I don't know why I feel like I know her or something, it's so strange but I never met her in my life

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Their Commander is in the front riding her horse with some others riding by her side too, I don't know why I feel like I know her or something, it's so strange but I never met her in my life.

Thank God she decided to rest for a bit, my feet were starting to get weak, "sen daun" (set down) the guy who was watching me all the time said, and pushed me down roughly by my shoulder to sit on a branch.

I sat down and lowered my head staring at the ground trying not to make any eye contacts with anyone, this person are dangerous I have to be careful, I haven't said anything yet, they don't know I speak their language, even though I don't know how I know I guess it's because of the AI, Becca might created it like this for me to know everything or something.

I sat down and lowered my head staring at the ground trying not to make any eye contacts with anyone, this person are dangerous I have to be careful, I haven't said anything yet, they don't know I speak their language, even though I don't know how...

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Everyone was resting, some were drinking water or giving it to their horse, my mouth was watering watching them drink, I swallowed down the water in my mouth, I'm so thirsty.

I felt eyes on me and looked around seeing the commander watching me, I turned my head and looked at the ground again, I don't want to get in trouble.

I felt eyes on me and looked around seeing the commander watching me, I turned my head and looked at the ground again, I don't want to get in trouble

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I heard footsteps approaching and looked up, I saw my guard with a cup of water, he handed me the cup and I grabbed it "mo...ocho gracias" (thank you so much) I was about to say thank you in their language forgetting my plan, but I stopped myself and said it in Spanish.

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