Chapter XXIII

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Y/N's Pov

A movement on the bed maked me wake up and open my eyes, I looked around and saw Lexa getting off the bed "where are you going?" I asked with a raspy voice and eyes half open, she stopped and turned back sitting down on the bed.

"I have a meeting, I must go" she said with a sad look and stroke my hair "wait I'll come with you" I said sitting down "Y/N you need to rest and it will not take long, I'll be back soon and we'll have breakfast together" Lexa said looking at me with a serious face "please" I begged, "fine" she sighed nodding her head.

"Can you help me change my clothes first, I can't come with this, there's blood on it" I said looking at my clothes then back to her, she smiled and nodded her head.

She went to the bathroom to get ready and I sat down on the edge of the bed waiting for her, she walked out after couple of minutes and held out her hand for me to take.

I smiled and grabbed her hand standing up, we walked out of her room and went to mine, I opened the door and saw my puppies ran to my feet.

I smiled and walked in with Lexa behind me, kneeling down I rubbed their head, "I'm sorry for leaving you yesterday" I said feeling bad, I really do, I should spend more time with them, I sighed and stood up

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I smiled and walked in with Lexa behind me, kneeling down I rubbed their head, "I'm sorry for leaving you yesterday" I said feeling bad, I really do, I should spend more time with them, I sighed and stood up.

I walked over to my backpack placed on the couch and tried to open the zip, I closed my eyes when I felt a pain in my arm, I felt Lexa reach me from behind and wrap her arms around my waist, her jaw was laying on my shoulder and our cheek brushing against each other.

She grabbed the the zipper and opened the bag for me, I smiled at her action and kissed her cheek making her smile, she wrapped her hands around my waist and held me, I took out a grey T-shirt and a blue tight jeans.

I grabbed the top tank I was wearing and tried to pull it up but she softly removed my hands and slowly pulled it up for me, she was still standing behind me when she took off my tank top.

I was top naked and my heart was beating fast, I took the T-shirt from the couch and she grabbed it from my hand, Lexa helped me put my arms in first then I raised my hands for her to pull it down.

I pressed my lips together when I felt the pain again, she noticed me in pain and pulled it down my gently to not make my arm hurt more.

After I was done with my T-shirt, I felt her hands pulling down my pants, I blushed and swallowed the water in my mouth, I swear I was about to faint, she kneeled behind me and helped get my pants out.

Lexa reached her hand and grabbed the jeans, I raised my legs one by one so she could put it in, she grabbed the waist of jeans and pulled it up, her hands ran to my front and she started to close the buttons.

She opend my bag and took my hair brush from it, Lexa grabbed my hand slowly leading me to the bed and sat me down on the ground with herself behind me on the bed.

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