Chapter XVIX

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Y/N's Pov

We are almost at tondc, there's not much left, we are going to rest for today there and Bellamy and I will leave tomorrow to sneak into Mount Weather.

Last night I couldn't get much of a sleep tho, there was a lot of things going on my mind one of them being Lexa, her bowing to me and asking me to be her advisor got me in surprise.

"Y/N" Clarke snapped her fingers in front of me "y-yes" I responded jumping out of  my thoughts "are you okay?, You seem a bit lost" she said worried "yeah, I'm fine" I said giving her a little smile.

"Y/N" Clarke snapped her fingers in front of me "y-yes" I responded jumping out of  my thoughts "are you okay?, You seem a bit lost" she said worried "yeah, I'm fine" I said giving her a little smile

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I slowed down and stopped, the guards opened the gate of tondc and we went inside behind Lexa and her warriors, Lexa stopped in front of her meeting room and got off of her horse.

We finally stopped and Everyone got out of the car, I turned off the car and got out, we followed Lexa into her meeting room and gathered around the planning table.

"So for the army to get to the Mount weather, you and Bellamy need to turn off the acid fog and tell Raven to send us the signal so we could get to our position" Clarke said looking at me and I nodded "after that you need to release the Prisoners inside the cages and get to our friends in level 5 while we keep them busy at the front and open the gate" Clarke said showing us on the table and looked at us.

"Okay, anything else you want us to know" I said nodding my head "be careful" she said with serious look and glanced between me and Bellamy, we nodded our heads and everyone left the room.

Lexa got us tents so we could rest for the night, but I prefer my car, I need some privacy and alone time, "hey there" Clarke said walking to my side "hey" I said glancing at her then back to front.

Lexa got us tents so we could rest for the night, but I prefer my car, I need some privacy and alone time, "hey there" Clarke said walking to my side "hey" I said glancing at her then back to front

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"you okay?, You can talk to me" She said walking by my side, "I don't know, it's just...... don't know, I'm gonna take a walk, just needs some air" I said with a frown and sighed, she nodded her head and I walked away.

I walked toward the woods so I could just be alone with my thoughts, I don't know how far I went from the town cause I wasn't paying attention.

I stopped and sat down on a branch and took a deep breath, I brought my hand up and rubbing my jaw, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and was lost in my thoughts.

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