Chapter VIII

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Y/N's Pov

Lexa told her warriors to rest tonight and be ready to leave tomorrow morning, we are going to my bunker, Lexa didn't tell anyone about me possible being Promheda's sister, she said that we are going to be sure that I'm telling the truth first.

I just had my dinner with Lexa and her close warriors in the dining room and now I'm resting on my bed.

All this time I had a feeling that Becca was somehow alive, cause sometimes I feel a connection from the other AI, I thought maybe it was Becca.

If she came back to the ground why she didn't come for me, it just doesn't make any sense, I sighed and turned to my side trying to sleep.


I'm in my room and just got ready, I grabbed my phone and put in to my bag, I heard a knock on the door "come in" I yelled, the door opened and I saw Indra walking in "Heda said to come down and gather by the table at the stalls, we are leaving after the breakfast" Indra informed me "I'm done let's go" I said sliding my bag on my shoulder and grabbing my stick on the ground.

I'm in my room and just got ready, I grabbed my phone and put in to my bag, I heard a knock on the door "come in" I yelled, the door opened and I saw Indra walking in "Heda said to come down and gather by the table at the stalls, we are leaving af...

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We got out of the tower and walked toward the usual table, everyone was already there, "Good morning" I said approaching them, "Good morning" they answered in response, "good morning Commander" I said looking at Lexa, "good morning Y/N" she answered nodding her head in my direction, she pointed with her head to the chair next to her for me to set.

I sat down and after a few minutes food arrived at the table and everyone started eating, everyone was talking about something with each other except me and the Commander were quite.

"You know how to ride a horse?" Lexa asked while eating her food, " I don't" I said feeling a little embarrassed, she nodded still not looking at me, she didn't say anything so I kept eating my food.

 I don't" I said feeling a little embarrassed, she nodded still not looking at me, she didn't say anything so I kept eating my food

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