Chapter IX

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Lexa's Pov

The sun has just come up, Indra and others are getting the horses ready for us to move and Y/N is still sleeping, thanks to her I had good sleep, I didn't know what I would have with all that loud snoring.

I walked to Y/N's side to wake her up so we could move soon, I stopped by her window and took a look in, she was facing me, her eyes were closed and she was sleeping peacefully, her face is really beautiful, mostly her lips

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I walked to Y/N's side to wake her up so we could move soon, I stopped by her window and took a look in, she was facing me, her eyes were closed and she was sleeping peacefully, her face is really beautiful, mostly her lips.

I didn't want to wake her up but we had to move, "Y/N,Y/N it's time to move wake up" I said softly not wanting to scare her, she just groaned "Becca go away" she said and hid her face in her arms "Y/N wake up" I said a little louder making her jump up, I felt bad for doing that.

I didn't want to wake her up but we had to move, "Y/N,Y/N it's time to move wake up" I said softly not wanting to scare her, she just groaned "Becca go away" she said and hid her face in her arms "Y/N wake up" I said a little louder making her jum...

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She sat straight on her seat yawning "sorry, I'm awake now" she said rubbing her eyes, she looked adorable doing that, when she saw me, she smiled at me and I nodded in her way and walked to my horse.

I hope she's telling the truth about who she is.

Y/N's Pov

I was sleeping and suddenly felt like Becca was standing over my head telling me to wake up but when I woke up it' was just Lexa, It felt so weird, I feel like there's something bonding her to Becca, when she's near me it's like Becca is there too.

I grabbed a water bottle and my toothbrush getting out of the truck, I went to back off the truck and opened the backdoor and sat on it, I started brushing my teeth and when I finished I grabbed the water bottle and washed my mouth after I finished I drank a bit and got back into the car.

I grabbed my backpack and went through it looking for some snacks, thank God I had lots of Twinkies in my bag, I grabbed one for each and got out, I walked to the front of the car where everyone was standing, I handed them Twinkies one by one, the warriors grabbed it and thanked me in tregidasleng and I nodded in there away with a smile, finally I got to Lexa, "thank you" she said grabbing the Twinkie and nodded her head, "your welcome" I said.

I stood by them and opened my Twinkie and took a bite, I saw them following my instructions since they never had these before, "am this is good" Anya said amazed by the taste of her snack, I chuckled at her reaction while chowing down my bite "wait till you eat what I have there" I said smirking at her.

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