Chapter XXXIII

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Listen to the video up there so you could feel it more real🌊👆🏻

Lexa's Pov

I woke up before Y/N and started cutting some fruits for her to eat when she wakes up, it's not something I'll usually do since I am the Commander but I thought it will make her happy.

I placed the fruit on the side and went out to hunt some fish for our lunch.

I left the cave and went to the river nearby and hunted some fish.

After I was done I got back on my horse and went back to the cave.

Y/N's Pov

I felt myself waking up and reached my hand over to my side so I could hold lexa, as soon as I slide my hand on the fur I realized Lexa's absence.

I felt myself waking up and reached my hand over to my side so I could hold lexa, as soon as I slide my hand on the fur I realized Lexa's absence

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I immediately opened my eyes to look next to where she supposed to be sleep.

When I didn't saw Lexa there I started to get worried, I sat down looking around but she was no where in sight.

"Lexa?" I called for her and my voice echoed in the cave, The fear got over me when I didn't hear any response.

"Lexa where are you?" I called again as I held the blanket to my chest covering my naked body.

I heard footsteps coming from the entrance and Lexa jogged in with worried expression on her face and fishes in her hand.

"Y/N what's wrong?, are you okay?" Lexa said worriedly placing the fishes on the ground and coming to my side.

I sighed feeling relieved, Lexa kneeled to my side and cupped my cheeks "what happened?" Lexa asked looking into my eyes "nothing just got worried when I didn't found you here" I smiled to reassure her.

Lexa nodded her head with a smile and leaned in capturing my lips.

"where did you go anyway?" I asked when we pulled back.

"I hunted fishes for later and already cut some fruits for you to eat when you wake" Lexa said pointing to the side where she placed the plate of sliced fruits.

"You didn't have to, I could've helped you with it" I argued but appreciated.

"Thank you my love, that's so nice of you" I shortly said looking at her with a smile.

"I'll do anything to see that smile on your face" Lexa murmured with a smile glancing between my eyes and lips.

I leaned in closing the gap between us as I kissed her lips passionately, I let go of the blanket in my chest and reached my hands to the bottom of her t-shirt sliding my hands under it to touch her abs.

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