Chapter XXXVI

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Y/N's Pov

Next Day

"Okay natblidas, today I will teach you the rules" I spoke getting everyone's attention.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Ontari joining us, she nodded her head for me and stood behind everyone looking at me

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From the corner of my eyes I saw Ontari joining us, she nodded her head for me and stood behind everyone looking at me.

I picked up a chalk drawing a 2 miter size circle "this Is the limited ground that you'll have during the fight, if you step out of this your opponent will gain a point" I explained while drawing the circle.

"Every time you knock your opponent down or making them surrender which it's called submission that I'm going to show you later it will count a point for you, regular matches has two points and the final match has three points, you win the match and move to the next round, you loose your out" I explained.

"There's no weapons or any kind of tools aloud, anyone has any questions?" I asked but no one answered.

"Alright let's get started, everyone pair up" I ordered.

I draw more circles and told them to practice fighting.

"That's a point right there well done" I complemented a nightblood watching her knock her opponent down.

Ontari is paired up with Aden, I'm surprised she didn't lost her control and beat up Aden.

She's becoming more friendly every day.

I kept them practicing this for two hours before I teach them the new move, submission.

"Alright, do I have a volunteer?" I asked and saw some nightbloods raising their hands including Ontari.

"Alright, do I have a volunteer?" I asked and saw some nightbloods raising their hands including Ontari

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"Ontari" I called, she confidently walked forward standing next to me.

"This move called submission, you will make your opponent to surrender, it might be by choking them or locking ther leg or hand and pulling it, lets go with choking first" I said.

"Okay, you need to wrap you arm around your opponent neck, like this and press" I explained as I wrapped my arm around Ontari's neck.

"Now Ontari you wrap your arm around my neck and do what I said" I let go of her, she wrapped her hand around my neck waiting and started to tighten her grip.

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