Chapter XXIV

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Y/N's Pov

Few days later

I was deep in my sleep but suddenly I felt a lot of movements that made me wake up, I help myself up and looked at the beauty that once was sleeping calm.

She was breathing fast and struggling in her sleep like she was seeing nightmares, "Lexa, Lexa wake up" I said gently shaking her.

She jumped out of her dream and was panicking "it's okay, I'm here, you're okay" I said and brought her in my arms to calm her down.

She jumped out of her dream and was panicking "it's okay, I'm here, you're okay" I said and brought her in my arms to calm her down

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Soon her breathing became slower and she wrapped her arms around me "what were you dreaming about?" I asked rubbing her back.

"Commanders before me speak to me in my sleep, I saw their death at war by the hand of an assassin" she said pulling back and looked down at her hands.

"Commanders before me speak to me in my sleep, I saw their death at war by the hand of an assassin" she said pulling back and looked down at her hands

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"It's just a nightmare...." I said trying to calm her down and hold her hand, "it's not, it's a warning" she replied and got out of the bed walking towards the balcony.

I sighed and watched her walking away, I got up and walked over to her, I wrapped my hands around her waist from behind and placed my jaw on her shoulder.

She tensed up at first but then placed her hands on mine and took a deep breath.

After few minutes of silence she spoke up "do you think throwing that Azgeda ambassador off the tower was a right choice?" She asked looking at the woods around Polis.

"Well, If it was me and my ambassadors offended me like that I would have done worse so I think that was a quite good lesson" I said.

She turned her head to look at me "I didn't do that because he offended me, I did it because he threatened you" Lexa said looking into my eyes.

She turned her head to look at me "I didn't do that because he offended me, I did it because he threatened you" Lexa said looking into my eyes

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