Chapter XXVIX

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Y/N's Pov

I suddenly found myself in a dark room with no end, "Hello" I called and my voice echoed, I heard a beep sound playing fast, I looked around finding the direction that the sound was coming from.

I suddenly found myself in a dark room with no end, "Hello" I called and my voice echoed, I heard a beep sound playing fast, I looked around finding the direction that the sound was coming from

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It was hard because the sound was echoing around me, suddenly I found myself standing in my lab, What the Hell?.

The sound wasn't echoing anymore so I could easily find the direction that it was coming from, I looked towards the sound and my eyes widened, LEXA!

she was on the same bed in the same position I brought her here days ago, suddenly the beep sound turned into a long flat beep.

Her heart stopped again, "no" I rushed towards Lexa, I was running but still in the same place I was before, I even didn't move an inch, it was like something was holding me in my place.

"No Lexa, Lexa" I cried out fighting to get to her but it was no use.

"Lex..." suddenly everything was black.

I sat down immediately gasping for air, I realized I was sleeping on my bed in my room, "Y/N, are you okay?" I felt Lexa's hand on my shoulder, I turned towards her and jumped into her arms holding her tight.

I sat down immediately gasping for air, I realized I was sleeping on my bed in my room, "Y/N, are you okay?" I felt Lexa's hand on my shoulder, I turned towards her and jumped into her arms holding her tight

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"Y/N, what's wrong?" Lexa asked worried and wrapped her hands around me while I cried in her embrace, "promise me you won't go anywhere, promise me" I said between my sobs while I held her tight.

Lexa pulled back so she could look at me "I'm here Y/N, I'm never going to leave you, I promise" she said looking at me in the eyes and cupped my cheeks.

I nodded my head while Lexa wiped my tears away, she leaned in pressing her lips on mine, over lips moved slowly against each other while Lexa kissed me passionately.

Lexa pulled back and lifted my hair away from my face placing it behind my ear "it's still early, come back to sleep" Lexa said almost whispering, I nodded my head and laid back with her.

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