Chapter X

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Y/N's Pov

We woke up an hour ago and now I'm hanging out with Nyko in the storage "I wonder how you drive it?" Nyko said wondering over the truck "why not make you try it" I said excited to teach him how to drive "no, Y/N I can't, I'm a grounder" he said shaking his head "come on it will be fun" I said pulling his hand, we got in and I drove out the storage.

I stopped at the empty field perfect for him to practice driving "okay, this is the gas that makes the car move and this the brake which makes it stop and this is the gear that you will choose to drive back or forward" I said pointing my hand, I explained to him how to drive and got out of the car exchanging my seat with him.

I stopped at the empty field perfect for him to practice driving "okay, this is the gas that makes the car move and this the brake which makes it stop and this is the gear that you will choose to drive back or forward" I said pointing my hand, I e...

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"Okay, put your foot on the brake and hold it, now slowly press your other foot on the gas and slowly remove the other one from the brake" I said and he did what I said, the car slowly started to move and a wide smile appeared on his face "here you go your driving" I said taping his shoulder.

We stayed there for few hours for him to drive and get a hang of it, I checked the time and it was almost lunchtime, I showed Nyko the way back to the bunker for him to drive, we arrived at the bunker and I told him to slowly drive in.

When he drove in the view of angry Lexa came in sight, she was standing there with Indra and Gustes, we got out of the car and walked toward them.

she gave Nyko a death glare and he turned down his head, I looked at Nyko then back to her "is there anything wrong Commander?" I asked confused about why she's so pissed "you have been gone for hours, did you considered to ask for my permission f...

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she gave Nyko a death glare and he turned down his head, I looked at Nyko then back to her "is there anything wrong Commander?" I asked confused about why she's so pissed "you have been gone for hours, did you considered to ask for my permission first?" She said with anger while glaring at me "excuse me what! We just went for a ride and I didn't think I had to ask for your permission?" I said getting a little angry, who thinks she is, my mom.

She walked closer to me not looking away from me "you will ask for my permission first and only when I allow it you can do what you want to do" she said harshly in my face, now I'm pissed really pissed "I don't think so" I said narrowing my eyes at her and turned to walk toward the elevator, "Y/N" she shouted my name but I didn't bother to look around and kept walking.

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