Chapter VI

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Lexa's Pov

Last night when I stabbed that girl in the thigh I felt like the flame was trying to tell me not to, I don't know why, there's something not right here, I think the commanders are trying to warn me about something, it's like I have to protect her even I don't know her, I hope the flame shows me the right way.

Last night when I stabbed that girl in the thigh I felt like the flame was trying to tell me not to, I don't know why, there's something not right here, I think the commanders are trying to warn me about something, it's like I have to protect her ...

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I walked into the healer's tent, seeing the girl still sleep, I don't know, there's something in me that drawing me to her since the first time I saw her in the woods when she attacked one of my warriors, maybe it's because she's a nightblood.

she doesn't look like us, it's like she's from future, she wears different cloth, I don't know how she has night blood and she says her sister created?, if this girl is up to something I have to be alerted.

"Heda," Nyko said nodding his head in my direction "how is she?" I asked our healer, "she's doing good, her wound will heal sooner since she's night blood" he said explaining her condition to me "how is she a night blood Heda" Nyko asked me confused.

Y/N's Pov

I woke up by the sound of people talking "how is she a night blood Heda" I heard Nyko the healer say, I rubbed my eyes and tried to turn my body to the side but the pain in my thigh came back making groan "shit" I mumbled holding my thigh.

"Don't worry it will heal soon" I heard the commander say, I raised my head and saw her standing next to Nyko, I rolled my eyes and looked back at my thigh, says who, she was the one that stabbed me in the first place.

"Is it okay if she walks for a bit" the commander asked Nyko, "as long as she doesn't put pressure on her leg" Nyko said, I heard footsteps getting closer "let's take a walk in the city and grab you some breakfast, we can talk in the way, I want t...

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"Is it okay if she walks for a bit" the commander asked Nyko, "as long as she doesn't put pressure on her leg" Nyko said, I heard footsteps getting closer "let's take a walk in the city and grab you some breakfast, we can talk in the way, I want to know where you come from?" She asked, I thought about it and raised my head nodding.

I got up from the bed but had struggles standing without something to rely on, "can I have my stick back, it can help me walk easier" I asked looking at the commander, she looked at me with expressionless face but nodded and walked out, she came back to the tent with my stick in her hand.

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