Chapter XXXI

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Y/N's Pov

The night has come and it's time for the meeting "Lexa it's time" I said to Lexa but I got no response from her, she was sitting on the ground with her back lying against bed, her eyes were closed, she does that sometimes to calm herself or talk to the Commanders.

I sat down next to her grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently, Lexa opened her eyes and looked at me when she realized my presence "it's time to go" I said when she finally was aware of here surroundings "you seem worried again, are you okay?" ...

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I sat down next to her grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently, Lexa opened her eyes and looked at me when she realized my presence "it's time to go" I said when she finally was aware of here surroundings "you seem worried again, are you okay?" I looked at her concerned when I saw the look on her eyes.

"No matter what happens in that room, I want you to know that I'm only trying to protect you" Lexa said with a look of guilt in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?, you know you can tell me anything Lexa" the way she was looking at me and her words were getting me worried "nothing is wrong, I....I just don't want to lose you Y/N, that's all" Lexa shook her head staring at me with her loving eyes.

I brought her in for a hug wrapping my hands around her neck "you won't" I said and felt her hands wrap around my waist, Lexa tightened her grip around my waist holding me in her embrace only for a short time

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I brought her in for a hug wrapping my hands around her neck "you won't" I said and felt her hands wrap around my waist, Lexa tightened her grip around my waist holding me in her embrace only for a short time.

Once we pulled back, both of us got up and Lexa grabbed her Commander vest putting it on "it's gonna be fine" I assured her, she nodded her head and we both walked towards the door leaving the room.

Soon we approached the throne room and the guards bowed to Lexa opening the door for us.

I walked behind Lexa as we entered the room, the room was crowded with grounders and skikrus.

Lexa walking up to her throne and I stood a side next to her, we Gaia was already standing, Indra and Gustus stood on the opposite side.

Lexa walking up to her throne and I stood a side next to her, we Gaia was already standing, Indra and Gustus stood on the opposite side

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