Chapter XXX

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Y/N's Pov

"This is amazing, how people made these" Lexa said amazed while staring at the huge screen in the middle of the dashboard, one of the perks of customizing your vehicle.

We are currently in Lexa's land and stopped to rest for the night, its in the middle of the night and everyone is sleep in the tent, Lexa and I are staying in the car like always.

Lexa is lying in the back seat with me over her as we watched Aquaman, "it's just a visual effects" I shrugged "that woman looks so strong and fearless" lexa said with her gaze still on screen, I could only feel jealousy take over me right now "wh...

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Lexa is lying in the back seat with me over her as we watched Aquaman, "it's just a visual effects" I shrugged "that woman looks so strong and fearless" lexa said with her gaze still on screen, I could only feel jealousy take over me right now "what!, I'm strong and fearless, she's just an actor who's showing fake emotions" I protested raising my head from Lexa's chest, a little laugh made it way to Lexa's mouth "I'm just saying Y/N, don't be jealous" she said smirking.

"I'm not jealous Lexa, I'm just saying the truth, even I played in a movi.." I said but placed my hand over my lips stopping myself from moving on "what!, you were in a movie too, is that what I heard?" Lexa teased "No. Nothing, never mind" I said and placed my head back on Lexa's chest hoping she will let it go.

"Y/N I want to see it" Lexa said with a calm voice "oh my God no" I begged hiding my face "please" Lexa asked but I didn't answer, I felt Lexa moving and sat down making me sit too "it's an order" she said looking into my eyes with serious look.

"Y/N I want to see it"  Lexa said with a calm voice "oh my God no" I begged hiding my face "please" Lexa asked but I didn't answer, I felt Lexa moving and sat down making me sit too "it's an order" she said looking into my eyes with serious look

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"what, you can't do that, that's not fair Lex..." I sighed when she cut me off "yes, I can" she said with teasing smirk.

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes, I leaned to the front of the car and reached my hand to the screen, I closed the movie we were watching and played Thor: Equilibrium which I was playing the role of daughter of Thor.

I pressed play and went back to my place "happy now" I said looking at Lexa, she giggled and pecked my lips before pulling me down with her to lay and watch the movie.

"This is gonna be so embarrassing" I whined "I promise I won't judge" Lexa said stroking my hair "yeah, you can tell me that later" I said nervously, she doesn't know what's coming for her, why the heck I had to say I was in the movie, I'm such an Idiot, now I will look stupid to her, I sighed and watched the movie with Lexa.

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