Chapter XXXX

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Y/N's Pov

We separated in the way.

Raven, Jasper, Monty, and Sinclair went to Arkadia and Clarke, me, Bellamy, Octavia and Gustus are on our way to Polis.

I need a nightblood to take Lexa's flame so we could stop ALIE in the city of light cause mine may not be able to do that.

That's why Raven went to Arkadia to buy us some time, delaying ALIE through hacking her server.


No one's Pov

to the bad luck of Y/N, ALIE was already at Polis, she had people crucified for not taking the chip or threatened to murder there loved ones.

ALIE already took over more than half of the city and worst thing she had done by now was that she murdered all the nightbloods so Y/N won't be able to stop her.

Some of Skaikru people already made it to Polis too, including Kane, Abby, and Murphy with his girlfriend.

They were somewhere in the tower.

At this time Y/N has arrived at Polis and couldn't believe her eyes after seeing the chaos.

Y/N, Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, and Gustus sneaked into the city and made their way to the tower going for the basement, where the cells are.

Abby and Kane were inside the throne room by now, Jaha was there too.

He was forcing them to take the chip, Abby had the chip and ALIE was making Abby take her life by hanging herself in front of Kane.

Emori and Murphy were hiding inside the rooms of the tower.


Y/N's Pov

"I can see Indra and Echo in the cell by the end, there's only two guards on watch," Bellamy said after he to a look inside.

"Okay, Gustus and I take this two out and you guys get to the others and free them," I said with a low voice and they nodded

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"Okay, Gustus and I take this two out and you guys get to the others and free them," I said with a low voice and they nodded.

I pulled out my sword and took a deep breath closing my eyes.

I nodded to Gustus and ran inside attacking one of the men, taking them by surprise.

We attacked them fast and quietly before they make any sound and alert others outside.

"Y/N" I heard Indra's voice, she approached me and brought me into a hug, Echo did the same.

"Heda?!" Indra looked at me confused.

I gave her the same answer I gave the others, I shook my head.

I just didn't want to talk about it, it's already burning me from inside.

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