Chapter XII

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Y/N's Pov

It's been two weeks since I was injured, currently, I'm staying in my room back at the tower now, My wound is almost healed so I can walk around a little more.

Lexa comes and visit me very often, she brings me food and we eat together or we just talk about stuff and I tell her about the world before.

other than this things, I don't know I think I'm falling for her, every time she's next to me I feel like my heart just wants to jump out of my chest and run to her, it's like it's not mine anymore.

So anyway today I'm planning to tell her about my AI and ask her some questions about how Becca made it to the ground and became the first commander.

"Aww, don't bite," I said chuckling when Xander bitted my finger, I'm sitting on the ground and playing with my puppies and my dog is laying on the ground next to me

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"Aww, don't bite," I said chuckling when Xander bitted my finger, I'm sitting on the ground and playing with my puppies and my dog is laying on the ground next to me.

I heard a knock on the door and JoJo raised her head looking up, "come in" I shouted, the door opened revealing Lexa, "hi" I said smiling at her "hey, I brought you food" she said smiling back, she looked outside and a maid came in and placed the food on the table.

"Thank you Lexa" I said, she nodded with smile and turned to leave "Lexa" I called and she stopped in her place "Yes Y/N" she said looking at me holding the door, "why don't you have lunch with me today, I also have some questions to ask you about" I asked hoping she agrees.

She nodded in my way and closed the door, I placed down the puppy from my lap and got up, we walked to the couch and sat down, shortly we started eating our lunch.

After a little time we finished eating, and just rested on the couch, "so what did you wanted to ask Y/N" Lexa asked "oh right, I wanted to ask you about Becca" I said and she nodded telling me to go ahead "how did she become the first commander" ...

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After a little time we finished eating, and just rested on the couch, "so what did you wanted to ask Y/N" Lexa asked "oh right, I wanted to ask you about Becca" I said and she nodded telling me to go ahead "how did she become the first commander" I asked looking at Lexa.

"Becca Promheda was the first one to have the flame," she said trying to explain "you mentioned the flame the other day, what do mean by that?" I asked "the flame is the spirit of the commanders, when a commander dies the flame contains their spirit and it must be passed on to the next commander, the flamekeeper gets the flame from the dead commander and puts the flame inside the next commander"

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