Chapter VII

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Y/N's Pov

It's been a week since I came to Polis, my wound is almost healed, I guess Lexa was right, I still haven't seen Lexa since she brought me to the tower, she's been busy cause she's the commander.

I've been walking around in town exploring about the way of their living and been talking to people, they call themselves grounders, they have twelve calls and Lexa is the Commander, I still have to ask her about how a young girl same as my age became the commander of twelve clans.

I decided to go and talk to Lexa if she's free, maybe convince her to let me go, I have to go back to JoJo cause she's pregnant and needs me.

I asked about her and they directed me toward her throne room, when I reached the door I remembered my dream and the same guards were standing by the door, they opened the door and I entered ,I started looking around not paying attention to my surroundings, "Y/N..Y/N" my name was echoing into my ears while I was looking around, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around "ha, sorry" I said while turning around and saw Lexa standing in front me with her hand on my shoulder.

She was wearing a long handed black T-shirt and the same tight black pants with her combat boots, "Y/N you're okay, I called your name many times" she asked calmly looking into my eyes, her eyes are so beautiful and her face, her beauty is more vi...

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She was wearing a long handed black T-shirt and the same tight black pants with her combat boots, "Y/N you're okay, I called your name many times" she asked calmly looking into my eyes, her eyes are so beautiful and her face, her beauty is more visible without her warpaint.

She was wearing a long handed black T-shirt and the same tight black pants with her combat boots, "Y/N you're okay, I called your name many times" she asked calmly looking into my eyes, her eyes are so beautiful and her face, her beauty is more vi...

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"Y/N" she called me again "Yeah yeah I'm fine" I stuttered, I mentally face slammed my self from my idiotically.

She lifted her hand and put behind her back "did you needed anything" she asked since I came here, I looked at her confused then remembered why I was here, "ow right, I wanted to ask if I can leave, I have to go back to my bunker" I said looking at her hopefully "are you bored here Y/N" she asked walking around "no not really is just my dog is pregnant and she's alone" I lied about not being bored, I'm tired of going around alone, the only person that spends time with me is Nyko.

She lifted her hand and put behind her back "did you needed anything" she asked since I came here, I looked at her confused then remembered why I was here, "ow right, I wanted to ask if I can leave, I have to go back to my bunker" I said looking a...

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