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As the Vice President of Miyabigaoka's Student Council, I am assigned to the first-years, or freshmen, and also managing the students' feedback. Additionally, I'm supposed to attend to the President. (Ugh).

Right now, some freshmen run up to me, smiling. "We voted for you, (Y/N), we didn't want that Takeshi guy to manage our level."

I smile back at them, feeling happy that I have supporters. "Thanks."

----time skip----

I raise my hand tentatively. "I disagree."

Some people gasp. Yuki glances at me and I see the panic in her chocolate brown eyes. She shuffles her papers quickly, and I know she's worried for me.

Tora smirks. "Why, you oppose me?"

I feel all eyes on me. I say softly, "I don't think... using the school funds to improve our school facilities is the right choice."

Tora sighs. "Reasons."

I say "It's true that Miyabigaoka has a large amount of money. I think that our school facilities are more than adequate. We have the largest school compound in Tokyo, and we just renovated the sports hall last year. I think that we can use the money to help others, not improve our buildings."

Tora raises his eyebrows at this. "Very well."

What? Did he just...

Every member of the Student Council looks at Tora in shock. He just smirks. "(Y/N) has a valid point." He turns his attention back to me. "What do you suggest then?"

I explain "We could help orphans, or abandoned animals. And I was thinking we could help talented children with no money get in and study here. We could provide a financial aid-"

He stops me. "Rejected."

Yuki giggles, then realises that everyone is staring at her. She turns it into a cough and stares at me, her eyes twinkling.

I clench my fist. "Isn't what I suggested okay?"

He nods. "The first part was fine. However, the second part about the students is not possible."

One of the members asks "Why?"

Tora glares at her. "You will only speak when I ask you to. As I was saying, it isn't possible. Miyabigaoka is a rich school for rich kids. We will not have the poor students. They will ruin our school's image."

I can't believe he is being so snobbish. "Surely-"


I stand up in a huff and gather my books. Then Tora stands up angrily, hands in his pockets. "I said, not you. Everyone else, get out."

Looking scared, the others stand up as quietly as they can and exit. Yuki gives me an encouraging smile before she leaves.

Tora glares at me. "I never thought you'd dare to oppose me."

I look down at my lap. He continues "But it's a good idea. I'll take it."

"I want to help the poor," I say.

His eyes become cold. "Repeat yourself."

I'm getting mad now. "Is it so difficult to understand?" I ask, my voice rising angrily. I stand up and glare back. "I've said it enough times."

His eyes widen in shock. Then Tora's face returns to its mask. The I-know-it-all expression. He starts walking to me slowly, saying a word with every step. "Remember"-step- "(Y/N)" -step- "You"- step- "Are" -step" "Just" -step- "A" -step- "servant."


He cups my chin in his hands and stares into my eyes. We are so close that I can see my reflection in his golden eyes. "My word is final, understand? I am the President, don't question my authority."

I gulp, slightly intimidated. It's not often that a guy comes up to you,and says something like that. In fact, if it happened to you in real life, just like it is to me now, you'd probably freak out. Not to mention that we're in the big Student Council Room, just the two of us.

He releases me and steps away, not looking at me anymore. "I think you understand. Now go."

I turn and leave, annoyed. Annoyed at him, and me. What right does he have to make all the decisions? Even if he's a rich dude. Money isn't everything! And why am I listening to him? 

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