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I dump some sugar syrup in a cup and slide it over , letting it fill with tea. Then I repeat the process with other cups.

I used to think working in a bubble tea shop was fun, but it's pretty stressful. 

The other girl who's working with me grabs the cups and serves them to the customers. I continue filling the cups while she takes orders and serves the tea. A familiar voice makes me look up. I turn around and see Tora.

I ignore him, I have a job to do. I concentrate more. Soon, the dinner hour is over and we can take a break as the customers lessen. 

I re-tie my hair and stay at the counter while the other girl goes off to rest. Tora comes up and I jump. I thought he'd left a long time ago. He rests his chin on his hands and leans on the counter towards me. "Do you want to go and eat dinner later?"

I flush from embarrassment and look down. I don't have money. While my parents are still fighting their lawsuit, Haruto and I are still trying to cover the high costs of living in Tokyo. We are 4 days late for the electricity bills. Plus, Haruto had to put off his wedding with his fiancée. She is trying to help too, of course. But Haruto says this is our family's problem.

I sign to Tora: sorry, no.  After we agreed to try going out together a few months ago, he learnt sign language. My voice is almost back, though, but  since I just spent a long time talking to customers, I need to stop talking for a while and rest. 

Tora pats my head. "Come on, my treat."

I shake my head and he looks disappointed. "Okay, then. I'll go back home and try to see who killed Mom."

"You still don't know?" I ask him softly.

He sighs. "No. The murderer left no traces behind. Even the police can't find him or her."

Just then the other girl who's working too comes back. Her eyes widen at the sight of Tora and she grins. "Your boyfriend, (Y/N)?"

I laugh awkwardly. Tora cuts in smoothly. "Yes, I am."

She waits until Tora's back is turned before whispering "Lucky girl, yeah?"

Being with Tora always attracts so many people... some guys, even...

Tora turns back and winks at me. "I don't attract all the people, you know."

Whaaat? How did he know what I was thinking?

Tora walks off, his hands in his coat. It's around November now, just getting cold in Japan.  I love winter! And people still order hot tea, so this tea business is good for me to work in. 

Soon, the day is over. It's around 9 when we pack up, and it's already dark and cold. The glow of the streetlamps looks mysterious and beautiful. I sigh as I look around me. Tokyo is just so beautiful at night. People walk by, some eating nice-smelling food and restaurants on the streets are advertising. The ramen...

I stop at a stall and buy a cheap potato croquette. Then I eat and walk home. I can get my pay for my job soon, since the month is almost ending. Today is a great day;)

An arm drapes itself around my shoulder and I jump. Before I know it, Tora is hugging me from behind. "Hey," he murmurs.

I almost drop my potato croquette in shock. I grip it tightly and let him hug me. Tora finally stops and looks at me in the eye. "Are you really sure about being with me?" he asks.

I smile at him. Yes. I want to help him, make him feel happy again. I don't want him to cut or anything again. I nod. 

Tora's eyes shine, reflecting the light from the streetlamps. He ruffles my hair and reaches down to grab my hand. I walk home holding hands with him. 

He gives me another hug goodbye, shielding me from the cold winds, and leaves. "Love you," he calls out, smiling at me. He looks happy. 

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