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Disclaimer: I've never been to Australia. Actually I've never been out of Asia. Anyway I just wrote what I imagined Australia to be like, it's definitely not accurate. This is just a story okay! Thanks for reading! And also they're speaking in Japanese usually, of course.~aurum autumn

@SenpaiDarkAngel thank you so much for your help! Hope you like this chapter;)

"Wake up!" screams someone in my ear. There's a loud ringing sound,like an alarm clock ringing, and I automatically kick out at whoever it is. The person cries out.

Ugh, I hate getting up early!

I sit up and rub my eyes as I stare around me. Where am I again? It takes a while before my brain finally responds and I see Mayumi sitting at the edge of my bed, glaring at me. 

Oops, did I kick her? 

Mayumi growls at me "Get your ass up and move it. We're going to eat soon."

Food? Okay. I jump out of bed immediately and shoo her out of the room, then I wear some casual clothes and comb my hair and get ready. I tie up my hair and leave the room. I see all of them gathered in the living room, just chilling on the sofas. Guess I'm the last one. No one looks up as I walk in, so I say awkwardly "Uh, I'm here."

"Finally," Mayumi says. Maki and Tora look up from their phones. Tora looks amused.

We go out for breakfast in the car. Apparently Maki has an international driver's licence. Tora said that his chauffeur was only for the first day, so looks like Maki will drive us everywhere. Luckily, this car isn't the limo. It's a tiny car, just right for us. Mayumi and I sit at the back. She busies herself slapping my leg the whole car ride. She calls it revenge for me kicking her. 

Maki stops in front of a cafe. "I'll find a parking lot," he says. "You guys can go down first."

We get down and go into the cafe. I'm immediately charmed by how adorable the place is. The cafe seems to have a vintage theme, so there are these cozy antique chairs and paintings everywhere. There are even old fashioned booths. We sit down in a booth. 

Tora stares at the menu. "Okay. You guys know English right?"

Mayumi and I exchange a glance and laugh. "Of course."

Luckily Tora knows English too. So we flip through the menu and order what we want. 

I point to something called "eggs beni with avo" and ask Tora and Mayumi what it is. Just then Maki arrives. "It's eggs benedict with avocado," Maki explains. "I think the Australians use slang."

"Oh." I nod and look over the menu again. In the end, I decide to get that. Mayumi orders some sausages with mashed potato- "bangers and mash" (a/n: i think it's called that tell me if it's wrong and I'll change) and so does Maki. Tora orders Sunny Side Up with bacon and toast. (yum)

We order in English. The waitress smiles at us as we order. It's quite obvious we're tourists, I guess. 

"Your English is good though," Tora tells me. 

"Thanks," I say in English. 

"Where did you learn?" he asks curiously, smiling gently at me. Strangely I feel happy when he smiles at me. I smile back and say "I learnt it as a kid, as an extra language."

Tora reaches for my hand underneath the table. I pull it away quickly. If Mayumi sees, she'll tease me for weeks.  But when I glance over at Mayumi, she's too busy talking to Maki to notice us. They're laughing and talking like old friends. 

The food arrives and it smells soooo good. We all start eating. It tastes even better than it looks. I'm almost done when I see someone walk in. She looks familiar.


"Hey!" I hiss. Everyone looks up. "Did any of you watch Masterchef Australia Season 8?"

Mayumi rolls her eyes and continues eating. The guys look slightly confused. "Did you?" I demand.

Tora smirks. "No."

I stare at the woman who just walked in. I'm pretty sure she's Elena Duggan, the S8 winner. I want to approach her or take a closer look but she's keeping her head down and facing away from us. So I walk around the cafe, pretending I need to order something, while trying to peek at her. Once she raises her head slightly and I think it's her. 

I walk up to her, ignoring the stares of Mayumi, Tora and Maki. 

"Excuse me, are you Elena?" I ask in my best English.

I see her full face now and grin. It's her!!!!!

She smiles at me. "Yeah."

I say it all really fast so I don't regret it later "I'm a big fan of Masterchef and I loved S8 especially! I loved watching you and Matt cook, it was so cool."

She smiles again. "Thank you."

She's so nice~

I turn and go back to my table, feeling slightly high. I mean, it's cool that I can see such an awesome chef in real life.

I feel the others' judging me so badly, but I smile to myself and ignore them. 


In the car, (Y/N), Mayumi and Maki were talking about Miyabigaoka. Tora was silent. He was thinking about (Y/N) in the cafe just now. It was so typical of her to do something like that. She was very entertaining to be around, and that's why he loved her.

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