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I walk home alone, feeling very angry. They measure my worth based on my money!!! Who is so despicable? Shallow rich people! Sure, I have  money, but not as much as everyone in Miyabigaoka. So what? Does that make me less valuable? 

My phone vibrates. I take it out of my pocket and check. It's Tora.

Tora: My parents have apologised. They want to meet for dinner tomorrow. Will you come?

DUH! NO! I stare at my screen in anger. I just  bluetick him and decide I need therapy for my anger. And there's only one way. Look at satisfying pictures. I search up (fav. character) and scroll through the pictures. After a while, I feel better.

The next day, I'm organising the stupid school stuff again in Tora's room. He says, "I want you to come to dinner."

I spin around angrily. "No way!"

His golden eyes flashed dangerously. "Listen to me. It's a good opportunity to-"

"To what? To suck up to your parents?"

Tora controls his face perfectly. His face is a mask of calm. Yet I can hear some anxiety in his voice. "Look-"

I turn away, angry. I know his parents' interest in me is only because of the wine company thing. Not because of me. They don't want to know me. 

I feel a hand clutch mine. Tora. When he speaks, he says it softly,  almost pleadingly. "Please. I order you to. You have to listen to me."


Somehow, I ended up here. Sitting at a fancy restaurant with the Igarashi Family. Oooh, how amazing. 

I look around cautiously. There's glass cups and plates and I'm scared to break them. 

Then I focus on the soft music playing in the background- and I think of Mrs Wee.

"This is Mrs Wee, (Y/N). She's here to teach you," my maid said, one evening when I was ten.

A motherly lady smiled at me from behind my maid. She took my hand. "We'll start with training you to be a lady."

I nodded. Mother warned me that if I don't cooperate, I'd be punished. So I act obedient.

The lessons start. Every day. Learning to eat daintily. Walking gracefully. Acting the lady. Learning different languages. Learning world history, world geography. Astronomy. 

I pull myself up in my seat, sit straighter. I remember Mrs Wee's gentle hands. I will my hands to do the same. And they do. 

Slowly but surely, I get through the meal. I answer questions about the wine company, what I've learnt. I chew with my mouth closed, wiping my mouth delicately on a white napkin. I raise the glasses  and sip from them carefully.

I see Tora staring at me. I can't read his expression; I'm focused on Lady and Sir Igarashi. I notice that they're smiling alot more now, although I'm not very sure why. Maybe they think I'm rich enough for their son.

At around 9pm, the dinner finally ends. I spoon my last mouthful of cake into my mouth and assure them that yes, I'm full.

They tell Tora to send me back home. They take their car, while Tora takes a taxi with me. We sit at the back of the car together in silence. Then he breaks it by saying "You did so well."

I laugh. "Don't be ridiculous."

He moves closer to me, although we're already next to each other. "Come on!"

I ignore him, feeling very tired. I only got five hours of sleep last night, so I'm exhausted now. Tora doesn't say anything else. When the taxi reaches my condominium, I get out and wave to him. To my surprise, he steps out too and pays for the fare. The taxi speeds off. Tora walks to me and puts his arm around my waist, supporting me. "I know you're tired. I'll bring you up," he offers- well, more like commands. I nod and he goes up with me.

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