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The next day, when I leave my apartment and go out to the streets, I see Tora leaning against a wall, checking his phone. 

I walk up to him and wave in his face. He blinks and looks up. I laugh at his annoyed expression. Then I notice he's holding some bags. I point to them. "What are those for?"

I can speak normally again, I just sound slightly hoarser. And of course I get tired if I use my voice too much. 

He stands straighter and says casually "Got some food for you."


"That is so not some."

He shrugs. "Why don't you put this in your home first."

I sigh. Do I have a choice? I grab the bags from his hands and go back in, up the elevator to my apartment, and drop the bags at home. 

I come down again to find Tora waiting for me. He's talking to someone now, though. Someone with distinctive white hair. Chibi. I walk up and smile at both of them. Then I sign hey.

Chibi nods back. His face looks tense. Tora flashes a wary glance at him, then takes my hand. "Let's go."

I look back to see if Chibi is coming, but he steps back a few steps and tells us to go ahead, he forgot something. So we walk on. Tora discusses some Student Council stuff with me. I feel like he actually respects my opinion now, though, which is great. 

When we walk into the school, I see the usual bunch of girls run up. Tora sighs and mutters "Wait here."

He goes up to them. Before long, they all walk off. Some walk off angrily. Tora and I aren't holding hands anymore, which is good because I don't want everyone to know about us. 

We reach the Elite Block and we go in. I feel some curious glances, and some girls are staring at me enviously. Tora notices and he whispers in my ear "Don't mind them. You're mine now."

He smiles at me, looking very satisfied with himself. Then a girl walks by, the same girl he called "sweetheart" the other day, and she looks pissed. She says loudly to her friends "That girl (Y/N) must have sold her pretty voice or even her body to win the Kaichou."

My ears burn in humiliation. I see my classroom is near, so I walk faster to disappear inside the classroom. Tora quickens his pace too to match mine. He says to me "Don't be affected by them, okay?"

As quickly as I can, I enter my classroom and sit at my desk. I see Yuki already there. She grins and throws her arms around me. "So the Prez likes you?!" she cries.

"Shush!" I whisper. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. Yuki pales and gives me a weak smile. I turn and see Tora. 

Suddenly I can feel all eyes on us. "Go to your class," I hiss at him. 

He stares at me with his golden eyes, then laughs. "Why? Did I embarrass you?"

"You're too popular," I say softly, so only he can hear.

Tora leans down and kisses me gently on my forehead before leaving the classroom.

As soon as he leaves, Yuki squeals again. "He's perfect for you!"


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