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okay... so I know this isn't accurate. just a warning/ disclaimer. I searched online and it says that getting hit in the throat could result in severe damage of the vocal cords, so yeah. anyway this is just a story, so don't take it too seriously. ~aurum autumn

(narrator POV)

(Y/N) was listening to music on her phone while walking home. A cool breeze blew and she pulled her jacket tighter around herself. Her face glistened with the dried up tears, and her eyes were bright but lifeless.

Suddenly, a masked man crept up on her and hit her in the face. At least, he was aiming for her face. But she reacted a little slowly. The punch hit her throat instead. And another one in her stomach. The pain almost caused her to black out. Her throat was throbbing, and she felt dizzy. She opened her mouth to scream but only a rasping noise came out. 

Somehow, she stumbled home, even more shaken than before. Her brother was making cup noodles again. But once he saw that the upper end of her throat was swelling up dangerously, he rushed her to the hospital, where she continued to lie for another 4 days.


A sinister smile crossed Lady Igarashi's once-beautiful face. "The plan seems to have been a success, dear," she hissed.

Sir Igarashi shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but his eyes remained fixed on his computer screen. "Whatever you say," he murmured.

Lady Igarashi rose and walked out of the room. Once she left, Sir Igarashi frowned to himself. He didn't approve of the girl, but was this really the right way to get rid of her?

Lady Igarashi walked into the living room. She snapped her fingers and a frightened looking servant appeared, hovering anxiously at the doorway. "Make me Earl Grey," Lady Igarashi said in a bored voice.

The servant nodded and scurried off.

A while later, the servant appeared with a steaming cup of hot tea. As she set it down, she said hesitantly, "Madam, i-if you please, ever since the young master came back from school, he has locked himself in, it's already Sunday, he's been in his room for the whole weekend, and-"

The servant was interrupted by a splash. She felt an intense burning sensation and looked down to see the tea she'd just prepared spilled all over her dress. Lady Igarashi looked at her coldly. "I have told you, have I not? Earl Grey, not green tea. And as for my son, he will see sense eventually. It is none of your concern."

The servant jumped like a frightened rabbit and picked up the rejected cup. She bowed, dress dripping, and retreated to make another cup of tea. Lady Igarashi smiled to herself. Soon, her son would understand that he could not be with the girl. She was sure of it.


Tora was locked in his room.He had not replied to the servants' anxious knocks, or his messages from the Student Council members. Only one message had gone through to his mind. 

From Yuki: I heard that (Y/N) was attacked, she has hurt herself. Mayumi and I are going to see her. I'll just inform you that she won't be able to report for her duties on Monday.

Tora closed his eyes and his fingers gripped a knife's handle. He ran his fingers up and down the knife, imagining what he could do with it. Without hesitating, Tora drew the knife over his arm and it broke open his flesh. Blood oozed out, but he didn't open his eyes. He didn't move for about an hour, just in that position, bleeding. 

On that left arm, there were many small scars which were healing. Remains of his past sorrows. But this one- this had left the deepest mark yet. The memory of what happened was still fresh in his mind- how his mother had acted to (Y/N), the hurt in her eyes... and then the recent accident. Of course, it was an accident. 

Tora thought about the joy she'd brought to him. She'd given him a new perspective, showed him that perfection wasn't everything that mattered. And she had slowly grown to be an important part of him. It was just that he'd never noticed. Until she was gone.

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