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I swear, I don't want to drag out this story. But seriously, this is ending up as a really long winded story...ugh, anyway, here you go. I may stop at 30/40 chapters, because I feel like it's just too much >~<   Also, for this, I know a guy and  a girl wouldn't be in the same hospital ward, but just imagine they are, it's a story, not real life.   ~aurum autumn;)

When I wake up again, I notice that Tora is gone. I'm alone in my ward. Oh wait- there's another guy there. I can see his feet poking out from the curtain that separates us. Now that I think about it, I can hear his breathing too. And the air conditioner. I exhale. The room is so quiet, and it's just what I need. 

I think about what happened. And the pain in my jaw and throat, will it go away? It will, right? The doctors must be trying their best. I smile a little, although the effort makes me wince again. I'll be discharged soon, anyway. 

I glance up at the clock. Just fifteen minutes to go. My brother promised he'd come.

The guy in the bed stirs and sits up. Then the curtain is drawn back and I see a guy with white hair and long legs. He's sitting up, looking around. He sees me, of course. Then he smiles straight at me. "I heard someone visiting you. Was it the President of Miyabigaoka's Student Council?"

I nod, still unable to speak. He grins, showing his white teeth. "So why're you here?"

I point to my mouth and pretend to punch my jaw. The guy pushes back some strands of white hair and shrugs. "Do you know how to speak sign language?"

I recall my lessons and nod. Then I sign that a random guy punched me and I can't speak.

He signs back- I'm here because I'm partially deaf. Hurt myself in a car accident because I couldn't hear the cars, so I've to get a hearing aid.

I sigh. Guess we're both pretty much stuck in the same situation. Both hurt and in a hospital.

We sign some more. He says he's a Miyabigaoka freshman (first year). He adds that he voted for me. I almost smile at that, but I'm reminded that smiling hurts my jaw and mouth area so I don't.

I observe the guy carefully. He seems very friendly and sweet. Definitely an easy going guy, quite the opposite of the dear President Igarashi. He's pretty cute too. Then I remember to ask him for his name. He says clearly and loudly- I'm guessing so he can hear himself- "Arata Chibi."  (a/n: found it online, arata= fresh and new person, chibi= small and cute)

I can't help laughing. Chibi? That's so cute! 

He smiles weakly and leans back on his pillow. "Yup, it's actually my name."

He closes his eyes and I see that he has very long eyelashes. "If you don't mind, I'm going to sleep."

"I'll be discharged soon anyway." I want to say that, but unfortuanately the tubes and the pain stops me. The pain is a dull ache that is just there all the time, so I can deal with it. But it still hurts enough to stop me from speaking. In fact, I don't even know if I can speak anymore. I haven't tried, anyway.

The door opens and I look up relieved. I can finally go home.

Haruto enters with a doctor. Out of the corner of my eye I see Arata Chibi open his eyes and look at us. So he really wasn't sleeping. 

The doctor smiles kindly at me. "(Y/N), right? I have some good and bad news."

She pauses and looks at my brother, and he sighs. "You won't like it, (Y/N). I'm sorry."

The doctor continues as if nothing had happened. "My dear, you can't speak currently, but you'll be able to talk normally in around 2 months at the maximum. At least your vocal cords weren't that badly damaged." She hesitates, then rushes on. "I understand you sing. We are not sure why ourselves, but while the speech part hasn't been affected, I don't think it's possible for you to sing again. If you do, you may not be able to actually sing it well. Our guess is that you won't be able to hit the notes with the correct pitch with your voice in its condition. Basically, you can talk, but no singing ever again."

Tears spring to my eyes. My first thought is of Tora. He loved my singing. Then I wipe the tears away angrily. I shouldn't even think of that guy. We're over. 

I feel Arata's gaze on me, but I ignore him. The doctor unhooks me from some machines and I stand up, feeling wobbly. I can't sing again. I've lost my voice for 2 months.

Fresh tears leak out of my eyes and I lower my head, so the tears drip to the ground. 

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