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You have so much power over me that you don't know of,
Our lives different from one another,
Unkept secrets between us,
Truth is,
Heaven is real because I knew they lost an angel when I first met you.


Words slipped soundlessly onto the floor without effort, the contents seeping through the floor boards and falling into deaf ears. The constant rhythm of the tap tap tap of pencils slapping themselves upon the desks without care of disrupting other peers from learning. The slow ticking of the clock that eyes fell too, ever so waiting for the bell that dismissed them for that one awaiting freedom for the weekend.

It's funny how kids never learn to pay attention, you can bribe them with anything and yet they fall into deep space of their imaginations and scribbled out drawings or notes. You can give a kid a notebook and pencil but you can't force them to write. Sometimes I wished teachers knew that. But sadly they don't and they waste time trying to get kids to pay attention or to stop talking to actually get anything done.

Take Joshua for example.

Joshua was a well deserved kid. He always got things turned in, always payed attention in class, and has perfect grades. Joshua wasn't one to let others get in his way of learning, ever since he was a child he never let that happen. Yes kids call him 'teachers pet' or 'nerd' and 'geek' but that rarely effected Joshua at all. He was so used to them he never blinked an eye when anybody called him that and would just walk away.

An obnoxious screeching sound filtered the air and the classroom was empty in seconds, well, except Joshua who was putting away his belongings without rush. He never knew why kids were so anxious to leave the classroom when he knew he was coming back the next day. It confused him to say the least.

With a genuine goodbye to the teacher, Joshua left the class. Making his rounds to his locker before heading off to find his sister on the other side of the school.

Joshua never mind sharing the same school with his siblings, he just never understood why kids hated that. I mean, you'd expect it to happen ever now and again, right?

His brown eyes rolled with fake annoyance when a sharp whistling sound came from behind, putting in his locker combination by heart when the visitor came by.

"Isn't it Joshua Dun or is it 'teachers pet? Sorry, I get those confused quite a lot." The voice laced out with sarcasm and laughter, Joshua shook his head with a smile and closed his locker. He didn't have to worry about homework or due papers on Monday so he didn't need to bring his belongings home.

Joshua himself doesn't have that many friends but he could careless, his siblings were his closets friends he could ever have, with an undoubted two other people he would call acquaintances.

Tyler Joseph and Brendon Urie just happened to be those two.

You see, while Joshua was the perfect little student any parent and teacher could ask for, Tyler and Brendon were the exact opposite.

I'm not really going to go in detail because that would be a waste of time and a waste of words so long story short, Joshua has his hands full with these two delinquents.

With the added ages of 16, 17, and 18 of Josh being the youngest and Brendon being the oldest; Tyler being in the middle, these three were quite inseparable with the added interest of their different school records and personalities.

"Hey, Tyler. Where's Brendon at?" Joshua asked with curiosity when he noticed the raven haired boy didn't accompany the short haired brunet like he usually did.

Tyler shrugged his shoulders and lead the way over to the freshman side.

Both Joshua and Tyler were juniors while Brendon was one year away from graduating. To Joshua, all that meant was one less person to deal with.

"All I heard was that Brendon was smoking in the bathroom and got caught by a teacher, dumbass thought he could bribe Mr. Roads with weed to get out of a detention." Tyler said with laughter spilling out of his lips.

Joshua snickered and shook his head, "I swear that boy is never going to learn."

Tyler agreed silently and both boys were engulfed in silence. It didn't last long when they meet small freshman scattering out school doors leaving groups of two or three about, instantly finding the redhead amidst her friends.

"Hey, Ashley!" Tyler shouted with faint cockiness, knowing fair well it bothered the redhead.

Ashley rolled her eyes and said goodbye to her little poise, ignoring Tyler and walking away from the boys.

Tyler shrugged his shoulders with a smile, "it's either she had a bad day or she just doesn't like me."

Joshua snickered and went to catch up with Ashley, "definitely the latter."


I really gotta stop making stories and finish my other ones, sigh, but that's not happening.

Even though I'm ending "Insomnia" in two chapters.

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