
44 2 2

Understanding and listening are two different things
Now that I learned you're finally understanding how I feel
Happiness warms my body
And makes me feel like I'm worth it
People haven't been so kind lately
Probably because of what happened
You do realize that what you guys did affect Ryan and me more than yourselves? I hope you're happy


Have an old picture of me because why the fuck not, lowkey kinda miss my longish hair

ily guys <3

Fluffy chapter because I miss writing it


It's safe to say Josh didn't freak out when he woke up wrapped up and cuddled against the brunet. Ok, he was a little freaked out at first because he didn't know where he was but once he saw Tyler, he knew he was safe.

Josh couldn't deny it any longer, the feelings pent up inside him were just too much. He still loves Tyler dammit and he knows the brunet feels the same way but he still has the looming feeling that if they date again, the same ending would be waiting for them and Josh knows he can't handle another heartache.

Sighing softly, Josh burrowed closer to the brunet, not realizing he woke up Tyler in the process.

"Baby?" Tyler rasped out with sleep laced in his voice, starling Josh in the process and causing him to reel back with wide eyes.

"'m sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

Tyler smiled tiredly and rested his forehead against Josh's, "It's ok, I can't get mad at a pretty face like yours."

Josh couldn't help the blush that showed which only caused Tyler to coo at him and continue to flatter the boy in everything single way possible. The only way to shut Tyler up was by kissing him so in one swift moment, Josh slotted their lips together, effortlessly shutting the brunet up. Tyler didn't mind though, he just smiled into the kiss and deepened it.

It didn't take long for Josh to end up on his back and Tyler on top, it's been a while since anything happened and Tyler was loving every single second of it. Hearing those little moans was like...music to his ears, like a song he forgot about and was hearing it for the first time again.

Breathing was a necessity though so they eventually pulled back. Josh slowly untangled his fingers from the brunet's hair but giggled when Tyler pouted, he couldn't help but roll his eyes a little but proceeded to curl his fingers around the soft brown curls.

"Sorry, I just like it when you play with my hair," The brunet sheepishly admitted with a smile which Josh did in return but the smile quickly faded when Tyler leaned in, "but I like it when you pull on it too."

A squeak left the dark-haired boy's lips and the blush reddened by the second. Tyler leaned back with a chuckle, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

"Shut up and kiss me."

Tyler didn't have to be told twice.


By the time the Joesph kids came home from school, Tyler and Josh stayed cuddled up on the brunets bed. They exchanged kisses every once in a while before Tyler would pull his boy into a make-out session.

"The gremlins are back home." Josh snorted out a laugh at that and playfully slapped Tyler on the shoulder.

"I can't believe you call them that."

"I could call them much worse."

Josh rolled his eyes, "if I called my siblings that, they'd beat the hell out of me."

"I highly doubt that you could take them on," Tyler responded after a minute or two, "if not then I could."

"You are not hurting my siblings," Josh stated matter of factly, earning a small laugh from the brunet.

Quiet draped over them until a squeal of laughter filled the room,


back to our regularly scheduled program

edit: he's back home now and has a trial coming up

Tyler pinning Josh to the bed and listening to the squeals of his boy as he tickled him mercilessly.

"T-Ty!" Josh squeaked out and tried to wiggle out of the brunets grip but failing.

"Just gotta say the magic word and I'll stop."

Laughter replaced words as Josh tried to speak but the assault of tickles was just too much. Tyler watched as his boy tried to form words but giggles would come out instead, he couldn't help but chuckle along before easing off and letting Josh breathe. Josh took in as much air he could, the racing of his beating heart pounding against his rib cage before slowly calming down as Josh steadied his heartbeat.

"Do I still need to say the magic word?"

"Only if you want to."

Josh smiled and pulled Tyler in for a kiss, savoring the taste of the brunet's lips but denying the access of Tyler's tongue to mingle with his. Josh pulled back a few seconds later and bit his lip, "I think I have a better answer, well, question but whatever."

Tyler arched a brow, "That is?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"


lmao I still don't know how to end a chapter

whatever, hi, I'm not back but take this chapter that has been in the works for a literal year or so

ok bye ily guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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