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You faked all of it, didn't you?
Everything that we've been through
Letting you see the worst of me
Letting you see the best of me
Or were you just using me for sex?
Why can't you see that I trusted you with everything and you just tossed it over your shoulder like it was nothing


y'all ain't prepared for this, I almost cried writing it so


It was weird how Tyler was all over him and then the next day he was gone. Not literally gone but just slowly stopped hanging out with him. Josh didn't know what he did wrong or when so when he confronted Ryan to see if his friend knew anything about it, the brunet agreed and said, "The same thing is happening to me, I haven't seen Brendon in a couple of days and every so often get a text". Both Josh and Ryan figured something was up since Brendon and Tyler rarely disappeared without an explanation of why so when Ryan got a text from Brendon saying they need to talk, Ryan immediately contacted Josh.

"Do you think they left us for each other?" Josh questioned aloud as he fidgeted with the necklace around his neck, looking over at Ryan who just shrugged with a frown, "I don't know, maybe the kids at school were right."

Josh frowned himself and hugged the brunet, "Brendon isn't like that, Ry, trust me." Ryan just nodded his head, trying to find closure in his friend's words. It was then the front door opened and both Tyler and Brendon appeared, hands weren't laced but the raven-haired boy's arm was hanging loosely around Tyler's waist. It broke Josh's heart when the brunet wouldn't make eye contact with him when his so-called boyfriend and friend sat down on the floor across from them.

Ryan was the first to speak and Josh could tell Ryan was getting pissed as he stripped himself from Josh's arms, "So, are you guys going to tell us what the fuck is happening?"

Neither boys spoke for a couple of minutes and it was Brendon who broke the tension, "I can't sorry my way out of this and neither can Tyler but I'm sorry it's just...I don't think we can keep going on." Josh could see the heartbreak in Ryan's eyes and could only tell it was going to be the same for him so when Tyler opened his mouth, Josh stopped him with a shake of his head, "Spare me the heartbreak, will you? If you wanted to be with Brendon in the first place you should've told Ryan and me instead of just stringing us along."

Josh couldn't help the tears as he carefully took off the necklace and tossed it to the brunet who in return just stared at the jewelry with tears pricking at his eyes. Josh looked at Ryan before grabbing his hands and helping him up, ignoring the stare of his ex as he leads Ryan towards the door and didn't even spare them a second glance as he shut the door behind them.


It didn't fully hit him until later that night.

Ryan had closed himself off but not fully since he still talked to Josh but only in whispers or mumbles. Josh felt himself slowly chipping away at the fake facade he set for his family but Josh couldn't fool his mother and it didn't take long for Laura to confront him about it.

"What's wrong, baby?" It was that little question that had tears slowly trickling down his face and it was then that he broke down and told his mother everything. Laura listened intently and didn't speak her worries until Josh was done, holding tightly to her sobbing boy, "I'm so sorry, baby, you guys didn't deserve that at all. Tyler was such a sweet boy and I can't believe he left you for someone you thought was your friend. Tell Ryan I'm always here for him, ok? And if you guys ever need someone to rant to or just to cry, come to me, ok?" Josh hugged tightly to his mother and thanked the Lord for giving him such a sweet and caring mom.

"How about we have a movie night? I'll go make some popcorn and you two can pick the movie, we can just forget about those stupid boys for the night, how's that sound?" Josh didn't know how he scored such an amazing mom so he agreed instantly, mumbling how much he loved her to which she just laughed and ushered him to go get Ryan.

Josh wasn't surprised to see Ryan burrowed underneath the blankets and Josh would've done the same but Ryan seems to be taking the breakup a lot harder than Josh was so instead Josh knew he had to step up as a friend and make sure Ryan wasn't going to fall into a hole of deep depression.

Josh gently peeled away the comforter and picked up the brunet who simply let it happen, tiredly laying his head on Josh's shoulder. The popcorn was already set and waiting on the coffee table but Laura was nowhere to be found, probably in the kitchen making them some beverages so Josh sat Ryan down on the couch and covered the brunet with a thick blanket they kept on the couch.

"What do you want to watch?" Josh wasn't expecting Ryan to give him a full answer or an actual one but it still surprised Josh when the brunet spoke, "Can we watch Rocketman?"

Josh nodded and went to find the movie. They bought it once it was on DVD since it was Josh's favorite movie. After finding the disk and putting it in the DVD player, Josh sat down next to Ryan and let the brunet cuddle up to him.

"Any reasons why this movie?" It was still surprising to Josh that Ryan picked this movie since Ryan wasn't a big fan of it but the answer he received had tears pricking at his eyes.

"If Elton John can overcome drugs, sex, and alcohol, then maybe I can get over a heartbreak from a guy that didn't want me."

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