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Oh how I hate when you fight with him,
For I feel like you do it on purpose,
For I think you forgot I'm even there,
Like fighting with him will make everything better,
I don't like it and I feel like you forget that,
No one fights him the way you do,
Every time you fight with him, makes me like you less and less


"Why are you guys late and why the fuck does it look like you just fucked?" Brendon questioned out loud when Tyler and Joshua walked into the lunch room and dropped their belongings at their table.

Ok, so Tyler didn't want to go to school when they woke up at eleven in the morning and Laura said they didn't have too, but Joshua fought both of them and ended up winning.

So, here they were.

The people at the table either snickered at the comment or just simply ignored it, Joshua just rolled his eyes while sitting down and Tyler, well, he was already annoying the raven-haired boy by grabbing both his cigarette and the box and smashing the almost brunt down cigarette on the table.

Brendon clenched his teeth and fought himself from picking a fight with the brunet, "listen here bud, you can't keep doing that. Do it again and let's see what happens."

Tyler was so close to chucking the box across the room when Joshua quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into his bag, Brendon looked at the dark-haired boy as to say 'can I have it back?' but Joshua just shook his head. Tyler raised his hands up in defence when Joshua looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "I didn't start anything."

Brendon gasped and slammed his hands down on the table, some people glared at him, "bullshit!"

Tyler was about to respond back but Joshua beat him to it, "shut up! I don't want to deal with you're guys consent bickering so both of you just shut it, ok?"

When Joshua interferes, the conversation is over.

Brandon glared at Tyler but said nothing, he looked over at Joshua, "can I have it back, please?"

Joshua shook his head, "you can have it back after school, until then, no complaining."

Brendon sighed irritably but nodded his head, the bell screeching and kids scattered.

Lunch was over.


Joshua was so in traced of doing his homework that he didn't realize the bell that signalled the end of the day rang, he only noticed when a person tapped on his shoulder and told him. The hall was practically empty except for a few groups or teachers, his step faltered when he didn't see Tyler nor Brendon by his locker and his eyes widened.

What made his heart pump even faster is when he saw kids running in one direction and muffled shouting.

Tyler and Brendon were fighting.

Joshua mentally cursed inside his head and quickly opened his locker just to shove his backpack inside and to slam it.

Joshua may be a good student, but he didn't give a shit about not running in the halls this time. He burst through the back doors and low behold, Tyler and Brendon were locked in a fist fight and they attracted a group of kids yelling out various things.

You see, Joshua had two options.

He could either go and get a teacher.


Try to get them to stop.

He picked the second option because he knew he wouldn't be quick enough to find a teacher.

The dark-haired boy managed to squeeze through a small space, seeing Tyler trying to get out of a hold Brendon held on him and dodging the blows the raven-haired boy threw at him.

"HEY!" Joshua knew shouting wouldn't stop them, but hey, at least try right?

Joshua should've seen this coming a mile away, hell, even the students should've but Joshua wasn't really thinking and he was quick to learn, never try to interrupt a fight.


Joshua tumbled backwards at a fast rate that he fell onto his back, cupping his nose as blood gushed out relentlessly. Gasped where heard and a few students actually used their minds to ran inside to find an adult. When Brendon looked back, his heart completely stopped which gave Tyler enough time to kick him off. Tears were streaming down Joshua's face as he weakly propped himself up on one elbow.

"Oh fuck," Brendon muttered out as Tyler rushed over to the boy's side, ignoring the pain radiating through his body.

So much blood was running down Joshua's face that it was soaking up his shirt, Tyler didn't care if he was going to get in trouble or not as he tugged off his shirt and pressing up to Joshua's nose.

Brendon watched as two teachers came running out with some kids behind, letting a teacher pull him up and lead him inside as another took care of Tyler. The only thing running through his mind was the same picture of Joshua with blood gushing out of his nose and the same sentence.

I fucked up our friendship.

What he didn't know, was that Tyler was thinking the same thing.

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