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Don't you realize I'm never going to heal?
Even when my bruises heal, I'm still going to remember,
Couldn't you tell he was slowly breaking me down?
Let's just have everyone hurt me for no reason, yeah, like that's going to make me feel better,
And didn't you know it was your guy's fault in the first place?
Why don't you guys think before you do anything next time.


Decided to update after about a month or two. Also, I've decided there will be no smut in this book, there will possibly be mentions of it but never into detail. I want this to be a soft story but, you know, with hints of drama :).

Also also, this has nothing to do with the story or even the mood of it but I've completely fallen in love with this song and it's just...I honestly have no words it's just wonderful and I just love it.


There was a calm aurora in the room as the two boys cuddled peacefully together. The red blocky numbers read 12:49 but neither of them were close to falling asleep, only enjoying the presence of one another.

Joshua slowly traced the jawline of the brunet, who had his eyes closed and contently leaned into the feather-light touches his angel offered. Tyler's arms were wrapped around his boyfriend's waist but not too tight, he knew very well there were faded bruises lingering on Joshua's back and he didn't want to put any pressure to make his angel feel pain.

Joshua leaned in and pecked Tyler on the lips, smiling softly when Tyler gently cupped his jaw and pulled him back in, tangling his fingers in the oh so soft brown hair of his boyfriend's and tugging it gently. Tyler was melting at the noises his angel was making and softly pushed Joshua onto his back, not breaking the kiss for even a second and slotted himself between his angel's legs. Tyler slowly tugged Joshua's shirt up a tiny bit but not too much, never wanting to push his angel over the limit and Tyler was completely fine taking tiny steps for his Joshua.

They slowly pulled apart after a minute or so and Tyler pressed their foreheads together, opening his eyes to see coffee cupped orbs staring up at him with a smile and a giggle. Gosh, Tyler was swooning.

"I love you."

Just hearing those words had Tyler melting in adoration for his angel, he knew for a fact he'd never get tired of hearing his little angel mutter those words. Tyler smiled and captured Joshua's lips with his, softly rubbing Joshua's hips with his thumbs and loving the little noises Joshua made.

"I love you so much too, angel, more then you'd ever know."


It was a sleepless night for the boys as they got ready for school but neither of them cared. They didn't speak but sharing small kisses and soft smiles were enough for them.

Joshua pulled on one of the brunets sweatshirts and left the room, already knew that Tyler would have his backpack since his back was still a little sensitive. He softly hummed as he waved goodbye to Kelly and Chris before walking outside, smiling when he noticed his boyfriend waiting patiently by his car and Joshua just couldn't help but nuzzle into the warmth Tyler gave when they embraced.

"Hey, baby." Joshua absolutely adored the little pet names Tyler gave him and just hearing them had his heart beating faster.

"Hi." The dark-haired boy mumbled out with a smile, pecking his boyfriend on the lips before regretfully moving away and going over to the passenger side.

Their fingers intertwined at the console as Tyler backed out of the driveway and headed off towards Brendon's, who can drive but apparently is too lazy in the morning.

Brendon looked way over enthusiastic than normal as he bounded over to the car once it stopped and slammed the door once he got in.

"Last week before spring break! Hell yeah, what are you guys doing for yours?" Brendon spoke out excitedly when Tyler drove off to school.

Joshua looked over at Tyler and saw a faint smile, "probably just going to relax and do nothing, what about you?"

"Oh boy, I'm going to get fucking hammered every night! You have no idea how long I've been waiting, let me tell you.." as Brendon started to ramble on about his plans, Tyler pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot.

Their hands were still connected once they started walking towards the school, Brendon still going on about his plans but neither Tyler or Joshua would have to deal with their friend during their free week.

Tyler pressed a small kiss to the back of his angel's hand and just seeing the smile Joshua gave off had Tyler swooning.

It was just going to be them and them alone during spring break and Tyler and Joshua couldn't wait.

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