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Adoration is one thing I feel towards you,
For you I'd do anything, I
Feel a lot of things when I'm around you but that's ok,
Even when you make me safe it makes me happy,
Can I just say something
To you?
I absolutely adore you,
Oh the things you say make my heart flutter,
No one makes me feel this way but you and I'm glad


"Why does it look like you two just fucked and tried to hide the fact that you did?" Brendon laughed out when both disheveled boys walked outside, Tyler hitching up the sleeping Joshua on his back.

It was completely normal for Brendon to call Tyler at night to hang out, Tyler was used to it but Joshua wasn't. When Tyler got the call, he just shrugged his shoulders and shook Joshua awake, having to deal with the dark-haired boy ranting about how stupid it was waking up in the middle of the night just to hang out with Brendon but Tyler didn't say a thing and let the tired boy rant.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "shut the fuck up and start walking and don't be too loud, I don't want to deal with an angry Joshua right now."

Brendon dropped his jaw before a hand slapped over it, "start walking or I'll crush your box of cigarettes, you know I will so don't tempt me."

Brendon rolled his eyes with a nod of his head, Tyler removed his hand and wiped it on his sweatpants before walking in the direction of the small park not that far. Just the sound of footsteps and the air being clouded of smoke was the only thing you'd see if you looked out your window.

Brendon caught up with Tyler and every time he inhaled the intoxicating smoke, he purposely blew it in the brunets direction with a smirk and watched how Tyler's face changed from a calm expression to a 'if this boy wasn't on my back I'd be beating the shit out of you' expression.

After about the hundredth time of choking on smoke, Tyler snapped, "do that one more fucking time and I swear I'll break your fucking legs."

Brendon just snickered and flicked the brunt cigarette on the ground, crushing it with his foot before pulling out another.

Once they made it to the park, Brendon went off to god knows where while Tyler went in search of a bench, having to wake the peaceful Joshua.

"Come on, Josh, you just got to be awake for a few minutes." Joshua groaned and stuffed his face in the back of Tyler's neck.

"Just for a few minutes?" The dark-haired boy rasped out."

Tyler nodded his head, "just for a few minutes."

When Tyler found a bench, Tyler tapped on Joshua's thighs a few times for him to get off, bending down just a bit for Joshua to slide off.

Tyler and Joshua weren't that far off when it came to height, just by an inch that Tyler held over Joshua. Brendon, of course, was the tallest rounding up to 5'9 with Tyler at 5'6 and Joshua at 5'5. Both boys were the only ones that got along in the group, Brendon was just annoying and selfish so Tyler and him don't really see eye to eye.

When the brunet sat down and patted his lap, Joshua instantly climbed on and was asleep in matter of seconds. Tyler wrapped his arms around the sleeping Joshua and sighed, hearing footsteps not so silently creep up from behind.

"If that's you, Brendon, I can hear you so don't even try." When Tyler heard a defeated sigh, he knew he was right.

Brendon plopped down next to Tyler and breathed out a puff of smoke, laying his left arm across the bench but not touching Tyler.

It was silent between the two with crickets popping up here and there and the soft snores from Joshua, every few seconds did smoke clad the air and fade away. The moon shone bright high up in the sky with stars keeping its company, moving ever so slowly with the minutes ticking on.

An hour passed by, then another, then another before Brendon stomped out his twentieth or so cigarette and stood up.

"Come on, I'll let you go back to your place cause it looks like you're going to pass out any minute." Tyler locked eyes with Brendon before getting up, holding Joshua up by his thighs.

They both walked away without a goodbye and headed in different directions, Brendon may live in the same area of Tyler, but he never really sleeps and would just stalk the town at night and pass out by morning.

When Tyler got home at four a.m., his father was up drinking a cup of coffee at the kitchen table, holding the newspaper in one hand and the cup in the other.

When both locked eyes, Chris sat his cup down and turned the page, "Brendon?"

"Brendon," Tyler said with a nod of his head and headed in the direction of his room.

The brunet helped Joshua out of his clothes for the second time that night and covered him up, lazily throwing his clothes around his room when he stripped just to his boxers.

Tyler was asleep in minutes once he slid in next to Joshua and thanked god that the next day was Sunday, not even realizing church was tomorrow and he'll have to be up early for that.

But oh well.

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