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Oh, you have no idea how my heart flutters each time we kiss,
Right in the moment did I wish it never stopped,
God have I fallen so hard for an angel like you,
And also how sweet and adorable you are,
Now I wish I could take back the words I've written in here,
I just hope what we have never stops,
Cause I don't think I'd be able to live on without you by my side



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The softest of giggles mixed in with the calm music that freely surrounded itself in the room, pink petals contrasted against the baby blue rug that adorned the white tiled floor.

It was the weekend, yes, but more or less it was around four in the morning on Saturday.

His angel woke him up stating in a soft voice that he wanted to take a bath, of course, he agreed without problems against it, he needed to take one himself. While his angel was watching the tub fill up, he slowly opened up the top drawer of his dresser and pulled out light pink roses (he bought them one day to give to his boyfriend) and carefully started to pull them apart until all he had was two handfuls of pink petals. The look on his angels face had him melting in adoration.

So here they were.

A handful of petals gently floated around them as Joshua hummed contently, the small black speaker sitting ideally on the sink went quiet for a moment and he smiled when the soft melodies of Billie Eilish's song when the party's over started to play.

Tyler cascaded his fingers through Joshua's dark curls, getting them wet a tiny bit, and kissed the back of his neck, resting his chin upon his angel's shoulder and listening silently to his precious boy's voice singing quietly to the song.

The rest of the house was silent, for the fact that Tyler's family went out to visit their grandparents a couple of hours away and wouldn't be back for a week, it was probably the best news both boys have ever heard and they were pretty ecstatic to learn they weren't going to be stuck with Brendon for a week.

"Your voice is so beautiful, angel." Tyler murmured out, getting a precious giggle and a small 'thank you' from Joshua.

Tyler pressed a kiss to the side of Joshua's neck, admiring a few reddish marks adorning his angel's pale skin and he couldn't help but add another. Things may have gotten..a little bit heated last night and maybe, well, maybe Joshua had a tiny limp in his steps but let's just say he didn't mind one bit.


Joshua yawned tiredly as he snuggled closer to the couch, the brunets sweatshirt drowning him in warmth and his fingertips were just slightly showing from the sleeves, Tyler couldn't explain how adorable seeing his angel with sweater paws was.

An old rerun of Spongebob Squarepants played on the tv as Joshua watched it silently, Tyler was in the kitchen making some breakfast since both of them haven't eaten since Friday morning. He jumped up in surprise when an old familiar grey cat hopped up onto his lap, cooing quietly as the grey cat, or Milly, rubbed against his hand.

"Hey, Milly baby, it's been so long since I've seen you." Joshua cooed out as Milly meowed in response, nipping at Joshua's finger and purring silently.

Joshua was so caught up on giving Milly attention that he didn't notice Tyler walking in with two plates in hand, squeaking in surprise when Tyler pounced on him and started to tickle him; which caused Milly to scurry off and watch from under the coffee table.

"T-Ty! 'M can't b-breathe!" His angel giggled out, gulping down much-needed air when Tyler decided to stop and intertwine their fingers instead.

"Hey, baby, see you found Milly." Tyler said as he got off of Joshua and helped him up, looking under the table to see the grey cat looking back at him.

Joshua smiled as he picked up one of the plates filled with eggs and bacon, "more like she found me, I didn't know you still had her."

"Yeah well," Tyler started before picking Milly up from under the table and placing her back on the couch, "she's my little troublemaker and I love her for it."

Tyler grabbed his own plate and looked over to see Milly trying to sneak a bite of food from Joshua's hand, watching amusedly as his angel shooed the cat away while telling her 'no'. Tyler burst out laughing though when Milly not so subtly grabbed a piece of bacon right off of Joshua's plate and took off, his angel yelling off at the cat who went right into Tyler's room before looking back at Tyler with an unamused look.

"Now I know why you call her a troublemaker."

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