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Right as I start to fall you're there to catch me,
Oh, how I hope that you'll never go,
Sorry if I apologize so much,
Even when I'm not supposed to I just can help it,
So I hope you never point out my flaws because I never point out yours


I wrote half of this last night and the rest today, also just edited it while I'm heading off to drivers ed (I'm not driving) but uh yeah, hope y'all have a wonderful day and I'll see you guys later, bye!


Giggles poured out of velvet lips as Tyler watched the grey cat try so effortlessly to catch the bright red dot, looking over at his precious boy who controlled the laser pointer and giggled each time Milly missed it. It was only a matter of minutes before Milly realized she couldn't catch it and gave up, making Joshua giggle yet again as the grey cat plopped right down on his lap.

It was nearing one in the morning with an added factor of it also being Joshua's birthday, the brunets boy now being seventeen and the icing on top was multiple midnight texts from Brendon congratulating him a happy birthday and also saying he might have to buy him some alcohol once he turns eighteen; both boys just laughed at it and knew for a fact Brendon was probably shit-faced by now.

The living room was almost completely dark except for the tv playing reruns of Spongebob Squarepants and a lamp sitting on the nightstand next to the couch.

"Baby?" Joshua hummed and looked over at Tyler with a small smile.

The brunet made a small hand gesture, "come here."

Joshua's smile only got bigger and he gently took Milly off his lap and placed her on the floor, grabbing his small black speaker off the coffee table and turning it on; instantly picking out one of his favourite songs off of his phone before placing it back on the table and climbing on the couch. The calming melody of Joji's song slow dancing in the dark started to play as Joshua melted into Tyler's touch, jumping a little bit in surprise when Milly decided to join and jump right onto his body, settling in quite comfortably in the small spot both boys gave her and slowly fell asleep against Joshua's chest.

It wasn't long before both of them fell asleep as the quiet purring of Milly and gentle music both lured them into dreams.


"Y'all have no idea how much I've drank and it's only been two days." Brendon ranted on as the trio of boys walked down the street.

Joshua, who was hitched up on Tyler's back, looked over at Brendon with a questionable expression, "I don't want to know but it's probably more then Ryan would allow."

Brendon snickered a bit, "you ain't wrong."

It was known in the whole entire school that Brendon and Ryan were together, most people making bets of how long they were going to last and the longest was about a week.

"How is he by the way?" Tyler asked as he stopped to let Joshua off his back.

Brendon smiled as he took out the pack of cigarettes from his jean pocket, "he's fantastic you know? Like the one night stands I've had were ok but holy fuck he's amazing."

Tyler cringed at the thought while Joshua stifled his laughs, "we didn't need to know that, Bren. It's not like we tell you about our sex lives."

Brendon shrugged as he blew out a puff of smoke, stopping in his tracks once he realized what the brunet just said, "wait, you guys fucked before?"

Tyler looked over at the dark-haired boy who tried to cover up the hickeys with his hoodie then looked over at Brendon, "nope."

The raven-haired boy gasped and immediately stubbed out his cigarette, pulling the blushing boy closer to him and smiling so wide when he noticed the almost faded hickeys, "oh my god, our little Joshie isn't innocent anymore."

Tyler chuckled and hugged his blushing boy, "Jesus Christ, Bren, at least we know how to keep it in our pants."

Brendon lit another cigarette and shrugged, "at least my sex life ain't boring."

"At least I wear a condom." Tyler shot back.

Brendon smirked as smoked curled from his lips, "I take that as a compliment."

"Can we stop talking about this?" Joshua pipped up with his voice muffled against Tyler's shirt.

Both boys looked at each other and Brendon sighed, "fine, but we're not finished with this conversation."

Tyler rolled his eyes with a smile, "yeah ok, now come on, I told Ryan we were meeting him at the park and he's probably wondering where the hell we are."

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