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As if I thought you'd hate me for abandoning you,
Didn't think you'd forgive me,
Or maybe I was just so worried about my self-being,
Really didn't think my life would take such a rough turn,
And never did I think my body would become a punching bag for people to abuse,
The way you treat me as if I was fragile upsets me sometimes,
I may have been beaten and abused but that doesn't mean I've given up
Now it's going to take a long time for me to feel safe but if you stay with me, I'll be alright.


I'm actually happy with myself to get this written out and complete.


It took a while but Joshua finally settled in his surroundings. Tyler was very patient with his boy and Joshua was thankful. His bruises were healing slowly and whenever he had to take his shirt off, insincerity's drowned him and he'd cry for an hour straight.

But there were upsides.

It took him four days to let Tyler hug him without flinching away. It's taking him three days and counting not having a vivid nightmare and to let Tyler hold him at night. It's taking him two days and counting not flinching whenever someone raised their voice and it took two days for him to get back in the rhythm of going to school.

All downsides have upsides and his definitely outweigh them.


"Looky looky, little Joshie decided to join us tonight, huh?" Brendon said as Tyler carried a tired Joshua upon his back.

Joshua just made a hum of agreement in return.

Brendon shrugged, "at least he's making progress, how's he doing by the way?"

As Tyler explained they started their journey to the park, Brendon decided not to smoke this time which caught Tyler's attention but he didn't bring it up. The sun was slowly disappearing beneath the hills as they reached their destination, Brendon picked an earlier time than normal but he didn't give an explanation why.

"Laura has been calling every week to see how things were going. Apparently, the bastard found out where they were so they had to call the cops." Tyler explained with a shake of his head.

Brendon rolled his eyes, "what's that guys problem anyways like, you don't go all psycho for no reason and beat your kids for no reason. You know, he should be lucky the police got to him first and not me."

Tyler chuckled, "as much as I would love to see you beat his face in, I don't want you to go to jail Bren. I highly doubt Josh would like that either."

"I know you guys would love to watch though." Brendon shrugged.

Tyler nodded, "got me there."

They walked around for a bit before heading off to the convenient store, Brendon saying that he wanted something to drink but Tyler knew it was just an excuse to go see Ryan.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Tyler questioned as they reached the store.

"Because what if he says no?" Brendon questioned back.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "I highly doubt he will. I see the way he looks at you and he even flirts back! Now you go in there and ask him out and I'm not taking a no for an answer."

Brendon grumbled, "you're lucky Josh is asleep."

Tyler scoffed, "whatever, just go in there and get your man."


Tyler at least expected Brendon to come out with a grin and a phone number but when twenty minutes passed with no sign of the raven-haired boy or Ryan behind the counter, Tyler walked towards home knowing he wouldn't be hearing from Brendon in a while. Joshua actually woke up within those twenty minutes but stayed glued to the brunets back, giggling when Tyler said "finally" before heading off towards home.

"What do you think they're doing?"

"I don't want to know but what I know is that Brendon probably won't shut up about it." Tyler sighed out and placing Joshua back on the ground when his love asked him to.

The dark-haired boy instantly tangled their fingers together, "true but what I hope he doesn't do is describe it."

Tyler grimaced and pulled his love closer, "let's stop talking about it, I don't want images in my head."

Joshua laughed and wrapped an arm around Tyler's waist, "agreed."

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