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Oh, how I adore the smiles you give me,
Beautiful little words you speak sparks butterfly's in my stomach,
Love is such a strange thing,
Isn't it?
Quite fun it can be but also not
Until someone falls out of it,
Even if that happens to us I know we'll still go strong even if we're not in it together


Joshua cringed when a puff of smoke was blown into his face and immediately started to wave it away.

An hour after mindlessly walking through the park and dropping Ryan back at his house, all three boys headed back to Brendon's house and weren't even surprised when the raven-haired boy pulled out a ziplock bag of weed from his dresser drawer. Brendon smiled and started to offer any to which Joshua declined almost immediately while Tyler just shrugged and said "sure".

So here they were, both Brendon and Tyler chilling up in space while Joshua just silently watched tv.

"Hey, Ty?"

The dark-haired boy's attention was drawn away from the tv when Brendon started to giggle and Tyler just looked at him with a dazed smile.

"Have you ever -giggle- thought of a t-rex making a bed?"

Joshua rolled his eyes as both stoned boys started to laugh in hysterics and went back to watching tv, he never really been in the same room with a stoned person, especially two, so this was definitely a new experience. A vibrating in his pocket jolted his attention right to it and dug it out of his pocket, snickering when Ryan's name was plastered on the screen before clicking the green button.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, just uh, wanted to know what's going on."

Joshua looked over at the boys who were currently sharing a blunt before answering.

"Nothing really, just watching some tv and chilling."

Ryan hummed in sudden interest.

"They're stoned aren't they?"


Joshua could definitely see Ryan rolling his eyes at his response.

"Well, I guess I'm going to have to deal with a gigglish Brendon tomorrow aren't I?"

"Oh yeah totally."

A yelp left his lips when he felt himself being yanked from the bed and pulled into his boyfriend's lap, clutching his chest as Joshua looked back to see Tyler nuzzling himself in his dark curls.

"You good?"

"Oh yeah, freaking Tyler pulled me off the bed and it scared the hell out of me."

Ryan laughed leaving Joshua to scold him like a child.

"Ah anyways I just wanted to see what's up and I'll see you guys in a few hours."

"Yeah yeah, see you later."


Joshua has never seen Brendon so clingy before in his life.

Every opportunity he got when Ryan was around, Brendon would practically pull Ryan up on his lap and hold him like a teddy bear, leaving Ryan to just sit there and scold Joshua when he would laugh.

"He fucking did it in class too! Oh my god, Mrs. Pratt fucking went off at Brendon and the whole time she was yelling at him in class Brendon just looked at her with a dazed smile and told her to fuck off. So Brendon has detention now and I have to wait for his sorry ass until it's over."

Joshua was dying of laughter once Ryan's little rant was over and couldn't even breathe to tell Ryan his story about Tyler getting his ass beaten by one of the teachers when asking if they wanted some weed.

Joshua took a deep breath and wiped away his tears.

"Oh Jesus Christ, Tyler has detention too so I guess we're both gonna have to wait."

Ryan rolled his eyes and grumbled out a few profanities before slamming his notebook shut, gaining a few angry glances since they were in the library for their free period.

"And this is why I won't let him smoke weed that much."

"What about drinking?"

Ryan groaned and slammed his head into his palms.

"Oh god don't get me started on that, please. I don't want a headache in the middle of the day."

The bell rang right after Ryan spoke and Joshua giggled when the library doors opened and low and behold both Brendon and Tyler walked in.

Joshua gave Ryan a sympathetic smile and patted his head.

"Good luck buddy."

Ryan flipped him off as Brendon picked him up like a child and started to cuddle him, Joshua just laughed as his slightly stoned boyfriend grabbed him by the hand and lead him out of the library.

"Goddammit, Brendon! Let me down before you get another hour added on!"

Joshua looked up at Tyler who gave him a raised brow.

"If you get another hour added on I am not waiting for you or Brendon."

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