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Unknown feelings are around us but that's ok,
People like you keep me going on,
Things like caring words spilling out of your lips make me smile,
Everything you do is a blessing,
My heart flutters every time you look at me,
Please say you'll stay by my side,
Or else my life will come crumbling down.


Heaven like chords beautifully filtered through the air with ease, easily drowning out the unwanted voices from up above. Tyler sat in front of that old, creaking piano while his fingers glided across those keys like he was typing on a typewriter effortlessly, every once and awhile glancing behind him to Joshua who was bundled up on the couch with tear-stained cheeks.

Tyler never encountered Joshua's father before, only heard stories but that was it but let's just say Tyler won't be able to come around that often.

The music abruptly stopped when a loud bang resonated from upstairs followed by yells and cries. When Tyler looked back, there was only a lump on the couch with a shaking blanket and muffled sobs. Joshua felt the couch dip and a hand rubbing his back, taking shaking breaths and slowly coming out of his cocoon. Tyler's heart broke when he saw Joshua's devastated face and opened his arms for the dark-haired boy, Joshua glanced up at the door as if he knew his father was going to barge down those stairs any second if he moved an inch.

Tyler seemed to notice his hesitation, "hey, look at me."

When Joshua didn't and his eyes stayed glued tight to the door, Tyler sighed and pulled the boy into his lap anyways.

"Look at me," Tyler whispered as gently as he could, "he can't hurt you while I'm here, ok?"

Joshua sniffed and locked eyes with Tyler, "but what if you're not here?"

"Easy, just come to my house. School night or not," Tyler said with honesty laced in his voice.

Tyler wasn't lying. Yes, Tyler had some of his own troubles at home with his parents but Tyler wasn't the best behaved kid so it didn't matter. But Joshua was the kid every parent should want. He never gets into any fights, never gets detentions or gets in trouble, always on time with homework, and did his chores when he got home, so why was his dad giving him hell?

Joshua's lips curled up just a tiny bit and Tyler cheered, "there's that smile!"

Joshua blushed and playfully slapped Tyler shoulder, "be quiet, now play the piano again," the dark-haired boy hesitated before adding on, "please."

Tyler laughed but did what he was told, Joshua actually situating himself on the bench next to the brunet with his head on Tyler's shoulder, his eyes close and just letting the melody consume his body. The ruckus was still happening upstairs but part of Joshua's mind blocked that out except for the music, finding himself humming along with a smile creeping up slowly. Tyler looked at the peaceful Joshua was a smile on his face, not needed to look at the piano to know what note to play next. He knew the song by heart and didn't need to pay attention. The sweet little melody ended but Tyler kept going, seeing as how random bangs muffled it's way downstairs every once and awhile. Tyler wanted to keep Joshua's mind at ease.


"Hey mom?" Joshua asked with shyness tucked underneath his voice, glancing around to make sure his father wasn't near by.

His mother looked up from the plates beneath her hands and smiled, "what's going on sweetie? Tyler still here?"

Joshua's mother was the sweetest and most kind-hearted woman you'd ever meet. Most people say that they both act so much alike that Joshua couldn't help by agree each time, he could see the resemblance easily and was so glad he was like his mother.

The dark-haired boy swallowed the lump forming in his throat and nodded, "y-yeah, um, is it ok if I spent the night at his house? Dad has tomorrow off and I don't..."

Joshua's voice trailed off but his mother didn't need to hear the rest of it, smiling sadly and nodded, "of course sweetheart, just be careful, ok? You don't have homework, right?"

Joshua laughed and shook his head, "no, I made sure of it. Thanks mom."

"No problem, now get going. Your father went out for a bit and I don't know when he'll be back, I love you." Joshua said it back with much adoration in his voice and kissed his mother on the cheek.

Couple minutes later, Joshua was huddled in Tyler's car with a bag of essentials and a smile.

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